Blueblood 5: V5H Revealed

Chapter Four - Who Is Coming Here!?

The Texan was smiling, but he was looking puzzled now. "How is this going to work?" He asked. "We are willing to help but...funding? Texas Medical has grants and other contributors putting money in for our projects."

Colin nodded. "The money will be there from us. What we need are your minds. George has done all this on his own. We need your help as in your minds and expertise to help George."

The Texan nodded. "I'll be happy to help." He said looking at the others as they were nodding.

"The lab here is impressive." A doctor said with a slight accent that said Europe, Swiss was my guess, but...she said it to George. "If we help, we would have to work here?"

"No." George shook his head. "The reason you were invited from so many places in the world is that you have vampires where you are. They are hiding, but there. I am not guessing; they are there, and I know they are in Europe. We need a medical extension where you are."

"We have people we answer to." The Texan said. "They will want an explanation."

George nodded. "I have given you one. I showed you the evidence I have. The reason for calling it V5H and serum was to be able to give a more plausible explanation. Any doctor or scientist can see and understand the problem just by looking at this. There will be some that we will need to tell more about this. That was why Colin and Devon revealed themselves. If needed they volunteered to be the two to show them."

The Texan pointed at the observation window. "Show them those three."

George hesitated. "They would become experiments."

"They are now." An Asian man said.

George frowned. "Yes, by someone who knows more about them than some of these all for the business types. How many discoveries have you found, developed and the first thing is how to make money from that discovery? I took an oath. To do no harm. My first desire when I became a doctor was to help people, not make money."

"You're making billions!" The Texan said not understanding.

"Which is used primarily to further other research, it takes money to find a cure," Colin said logically. "I have profited and so has George. What he's done deserves compensation. If they are released to the other countries...we lose any advantage we have. The venom won't last long out of their bodies. Everyone will want them."

"They are the key to ending this," George added. "The serum will transport...or you can make your own. I'll show and tell you how. You already have vampires there." George was now again in lecture mode as he paced a little. "There are some vampires that have abilities...we all do, that make us better hunters. There are some that are better than others in certain areas. Tracking is one area. We can sense when someone is a vampire or not. The ability to smell and see is enhanced."

"It does change you." The Texan said.

"No," George said shaking his head. "It does make our natural abilities better. The olfactory and visual areas of the brain are...more focused. The ability was always there. There are two I know of...vampires here that had keen senses of smell before they became vampires. After they were bitten, it just got better. They can get a scent I doubt a dog or cat could pick up."

"Really?" The Asian man asked.

Colin nodded. "The venom makes us able to hunt better." He shrugged. "To feed the venom, we must be able to do it well."

All of this was...not my thing. "I'm spending time with Ralph," I told Colin quietly.

He looked at me suddenly with renewed concern. "Not alone!"

"Colin," I said quietly touching his arm gently. "I know what he is. I know what he can do. I was alone with Gizmo, Repetate, and Iustina. I'll be fine." He was being almost too protective. "You know I can relate with people...and them. Are you sensing something else? You can tell who to trust or not. Is there something you need to tell me?"

Colin gave a frustrated shrug. "I can't sense anything from them."

I nodded, pulling him close putting my head next to his. "They are an unknown." I turned my head kissing him tenderly. "We have to make headway with them. You know I'll be okay."

"I don't want you hurt."

I smiled kissing him again. "I know," I said rubbing my forehead against his. "I'll be careful." I hugged him. "I don't want any of us hurt, especially not you."

Going in the room with the three Old Ones, I was greeted by two happy Old Ones and Ralph was...not there yet, but not retracting from me now. It seemed they all enjoyed the cartoons. The animated pictures and sounds appealed to them. Ralph was still dealing with what he sensed from me and what he could possibly do. I looked as Ralph looked at Repetate and Iustina with a questioning expression. Their answer to him was a smile from both of them as the greeted me as they did, coming up to me, rubbing on me making those slight noises of pleasure they always did. I am telling you, they looked at Ralph with a "see?" expression. I chuckled and gave them both a kiss on each bald head.

"You can communicate." I nodded. "I'm going to begin teaching you three sign language," I said and laughed. "As soon as I learn some myself. We can teach each other! They teach primates to use it, you are certainly primates." I did, however, and my senses were good. Not like Gabriella or Alex, but it was clear Ralph had never bathed. "Okay, need to trust me."

Ralph looked at me quizzically.

"You need..." I leaned in toward him, "a bath."

Ralph was now looking very doubtful communicating he did not understand.

"We all take one. Every single day." I explained with a smile. "Sometimes more if we get dirty and you...are dirty." I walked a little closer to him and was pleased he didn't back away. Then I thought of something. "Give me a few minutes," I said and went back out in the hall. I rushed back to where I knew Stan was. "Stan!"

He looked up from his friend Buddy. "Devon!" He said with equal enthusiasm and a smile.

"Buddy can do many things," I said to him. "Can he search footage of cartoons?"

Stan looked a little startled. "I suppose. If I tell him to. Sure."

"Tell him to give a collection of cartoon scenes depicting the characters taking a bath...preferably, taking a shower."

Now Stan was really confused. "A shower." He repeated.

I rolled my eyes. "Ralph needs a shower. I need to show him what that is so he understands."

"Ralph," Stan repeated again thinking and then nodded. "The new Old One! Got it. I'll have it ready in a few minutes."

"Can it be fed to the room the three are in?"

Stan looked at me...the Old Ones were not the only ones that communicated with expressions. He said, "how could I doubt him?" with his look. "Please." He began typing quickly on the black glass.

I smiled hugging the man. "Great! Thanks. Send it as soon as it's done to their monitor." I said and hurried back to the room. Stan was right. I knew he could do it. The cartoon they were watching ended. The screen didn't even flicker as new images came up. Tom, of Tom and Jerry, was in the shower scrubbing with soap, making lots of bubbles. "See, Ralph?" I pointed to the screen. "He's bathing!" There were many more scenes of other characters showering. "Bathing," I said again and looked at Ralph. "You need to do that." I pointed at the screen and then to him.

He got it! He wasn't sure about it as...what should have been eyebrows rose a little warier, but he got it. I had the corridor cleared of any people even with the disflavor. It was time for Repetate's and Iustina's bath, as well. I had help escorting them all to the nearby bathroom. Ralph had never seen a bathroom. Yet, he understood about the toilet in their room...I suppose Repetate and Iustina had shown him because there was no ammonia on the floor and vampires did piss. I knew they were intelligent and communicated. Repetate and Iustina knew what to do and got in the showers with no prompting, giving Ralph the look that it would be fine. Ralph stepped in a vacant shower. I gave him the soap and turned the hot water on. It startled him, but he had seen enough in those cartoons to know what he was to do. It took a while, but he did it and even seemed to like it. After he had done it, I held up a towel and showed him he was to dry off. Repetate and Iustina came to me after their showers receiving a kiss from me. I looked at Ralph. "Please trust me, Ralph. I want to be your friend."

He walked over closer to me. Taking his head, I did to him what I did with the other two. When he backed away afterward I kissed his head, he smiled!! It was new to him, but he smiled! "My friend," I said to him and took them back. I really needed to teach them sign language.

What the other scientists promised and what was to happen...we would wait to see. The week-long medical...whatever was drawing to a close. I had Colin come in with me as I began my lessons with the three in sign language. Colin agreed to learn it, too. Colin was still cautious but seemed to come to the realization Ralph was not a real threat any more than Iustina or Repetate.

In our bedroom, Colin was waiting for me as I finished my nightly rituals and came to bed. He didn't need to, but he patted my side of the bed next to himself invitingly as he propped on his elbow. It's nice to be wanted. I crawled in next to him where he put his arms around me, kissing me gently. "I take it all back."

Okay. This was odd. "You take all what back?"

"Maybe there is something magical about us," Colin said as his lips came to my forehead and came down my face. "There is about you. What you've done with those three...has got to be magic."

I smiled and shook my head. "It's just affection, Colin."

Colin shrugged a nod. "Is it?" He looked at me. "You're winning Ralph over pretty quickly. He tolerates me. He trusts and even is loving with you. He smiles at you whenever he sees you."

"I want him to be comfortable with me," I said simply.

"That's the magic." He said kissing me. "You've done it too many times with others to argue with me." He smiled. "You..." he kissed me, "have some magic." He kissed me again. "I love you, Devon."

I pulled him closer. "I know. I love you, Colin."

"I know." He said moving his nose and lips over my face. "Make love to me."

I did!


George and John were always together now. That made me so happy. John Burke could get George to respond when he was tunneling his focus and about to be lost, but it was time to eat or go home. John got George to do that. George was receiving emails and teleconferencing with the scientists that had been here. He also spent time watching as I taught the three Old Ones sign language. Those three had sharp minds! They were learning it faster than I was! Language was tough. They communicated everything with expressions, which was the problem. The whole content was in that look. Individual words were hard. Knowing a noun was pretty simple, putting them with a verb, the subject was a little harder for them, I want, being one, where are you going was another, but they were learning! I was thrilled when Repetate signed to me. Tom and Jerry? I had taught them the character's names and what the cartoon was called. He signed again. More?

"Sure." I nodded to him. "You want more Tom and Jerry? I'll get more." I said and signed, typing on my laptop. It wasn't long before the cartoons came up. They were repeats, even for Repetate and Iustina, but they liked them.

When I came out of their room I was stopped by George. "I never would have thought to teach them sign language." He marveled smiling and shaking his head. "This is truly a great breakthrough."

I smiled at him. "You would have eventually."

George shook his head. "No. I wouldn't have. They are...Old Ones." He explained simply. "Whether they could understand...not that I wanted to know if they could understand or not, never occurred to me."

We walked down the corridor toward the elevator. "They can understand." I said. "It's some of the other parts of sentences I need to get them to understand. I will teach them to read and write. With enough time, I hope they have enough to tell us what they remember. Maybe even help us find out about their origins and help find that cure."

We rode down to the residential floor where Colin's and my apartment was.

"Colin's here, would you like to come in?" I invited George.

"Sure." George nodded. "I have something to share with the two of you."

Colin was again at his computer...doing things business-wise. He looked up and smiled at me but grinned at George. "Hi, George! Is this social or VUN related?"

George grinned with a shrug. "Can't it be both?" He asked sitting on our couch. "The symposium was very good. What Devon's doing with those three is nothing short of a miracle. Repetate asked for a Tom and Jerry cartoon today! He asked for it!!"

Colin nodded and got up coming to me. "I said it. Magic."

I kissed Colin. "If a chimp and gorilla can learn sign shouldn't surprise anyone they can." I said simply.

George shook his head. "He's opening a whole new facet on the research I'm doing. Questions can be asked, and they can answer soon! I just have to wait for them to learn enough to do it." He smiled and went on. "Dr. Dexter Harris...the doctor from Houston?"

"A Texan named Dex." I nodded. "Why am I not surprised?"

George nodded with a chuckle. "You shouldn't be. Other than Cody or Tex, Dex is the next expected name. He's a brilliant Hematologist. Anyway, he's bringing a supervisor here that's in charge of research and development from Texas Medical. They'll be here Monday. Meaning, you two will be here, right?" He said pointedly, squinting one eye and did point at both of us.

"Do we have much of a life outside the VUN now?" Colin asked.

"We'll be here," I answered George's question.

"You can show the headway you've made with Repetate, Iustina, and Ralph." George frowned after saying Ralph's name. "Ralph." He grimaced. "The fancy names you come up with, Devon...Ralph is the best name you came up with?"

Colin rolled his eyes as I patted him on the chest. "It was one of Colin's favorite uncles that had the name Ralph. I can't take credit for that. It was all Colin." I grinned as Colin was turning a little pink. "Ralph is very fitting for him."

"Can I offer you a drink?" Colin asked quickly to get beyond the subject of the name.

George stood and smiled. "Thank you, but I'm heading home. John's waiting on me there."

I looked at George puzzled. "You drove separately? I saw John not an hour ago."

George smiled. "We didn't drive at all." He thumbed over his shoulder. "We have an apartment here now. One floor down, but it's not a bad commute."

"We're neighbors!?" Colin asked happily. "I'm so glad you're here!"

George nodded again scratching his ear absently. "Yes, it's not a big place. We just moved, but we're at home here."

"You need a housewarming!" I said simply. "We need to welcome you two!"

George smiled. "We'll make plans for that." He headed toward the door but came back to us and hugged his both. "Thanks for the support you've given. I love you, both." He said kissing Colin on the cheek and as we were in the same hug, he just turned his head and kissed me, too.

"We love you, too, George," Colin said touching George on the face lightly. "My dear, dear friend and family."

George smiled and headed for the door. "See you in the neighborhood."


Monday came and Dr. Dexter Harris arrived with a man in his mid-fifties with white hair and a distinguished man in a nice suit who wore his confidence clearly. Dr. Harris was also in a suit, but this new man was a bit more polished. They came up to the floor the observation room was on and George's labs.

Ursula, the first vampire I had met on my first trip to New York escorted them in. She waved them in the lab.

Once again, George was working on something under a microscope to which he saw the image on a monitor and...he was focused. I looked at John who was always there now, who merely shrugged and got up going over to George, put his hand on George's back and said something quietly to George, who looked up a bit baffled and then turned around. A light bulb went off behind his eyes.

"Sorry," George said getting up coming over. "I get sort of lost sometimes." He explained as he extended his hand to them. "Dr. Harris, good to see you again."

The Texan grinned nodding. "I've done that myself many times." He chuckled. "Dr. George Holms, this is Dr. Kevin Curtis. He oversees new projects and is here to assess the whole V5H situation."

"I saw the reports, Dr. Holms." Dr. Curtis said. "I am fascinated, but I want to see what you have on V5H myself." He looked at George puzzled. "This V5H has properties I have never seen! The samples don't last, I'm told."

"They don't." George shook his head, "But with modern technology, I recorded them."

This new doctor nodded. "You say this V5H has been here a while?"

"For thousands of years." George nodded.

"I was told there some here that are victims of this...V5H?" Dr. Curtis said.

George looked at Dex. "You didn't tell him?"

The Texan gave an awkward look. "I didn't know how to explain it. It was hard enough when I was here."

"Oh," George said a little startled. "Okay, well..." He turned back to Dr. Curtis. "I guess that was why you came." He waved at Colin and me. "They are victims of V5H." He said but looked at this new doctor. "So are we." He said holding his hand out to John who walked over to George taking his hand.

Dr. Curtis' eyes widened. Was it because he was told about four victims of the V5H? Or that George was in a relationship with a man? So, I took Colin's hand to see. His eyes widened more.

"There are others that are straight with V5H if you're concerned about that," George growled.

Dr. Curtis looked surprised at George's remark. He bowed and shook his head. "The relationship was unexpected, all have this V5H?"

George nodded. "I guess we need to start again." He waved to his computer. "I'll show you."

I just knew he would be doing every time one these...bigwigs came here. He showed the sample of the venom...calling it pure venom. He showed the bloodwork of a victim and our blood samples. Dr. Curtis was understanding what he saw as George explained. He told everything except for how the venom was spread. What took days with all of the scientists together, took two hours with Dr. Curtis.

"Do you have a source of this venom?"

George looked at me. "We'll show him."

"It's not sunset." I reminded George. "They're not awake yet."

George smiled at the new doctor. "The featured specimens have to...wake up. How about dinner until they do?"

Dr. Curtis looked more puzzled. "I don't understand."

"You will," I smiled. "It will only be a couple of hours."

"The source is asleep?" Dr. Curtis asked.

John nodded with a smile. "You'll understand soon."

We did take Dr. Harris and Dr. Curtis to Vamps. Dr. Curtis really didn't let go of his wanting to understand what was going on, but George didn't reveal too much. It was at that meal Dr. Curtis observed certain aspects of our having the V5H.

"Whatever this V5H is. This serum seems to help." Dr. Curtis observed as Colin ate his meal, again just as Colin did with every meal. He had a large quantity. "I can detect no ill effects."

Colin chuckled. "But there are."

"You all seem very healthy and have good appetites." Dr. Curtis said. "You have good muscle tone, good skin tone..."

George sat back. "That's due to the serum. It binds with the venom."

"There were effects on all of those things," Colin said.

At almost sunset, we headed to the observation room. Having heard the explanation so many times, I was glad to be with Repetate, Iustina, and Ralph. Depending on what this Dr. Curtis believed or thought about vampires...he would want proof and confirmation of that unbelievable truth. I really didn't want to be in Colin's or George's place. The bags of blood were gotten and I was let into the room with the three. It had been weeks since Ralph had come here, and he was friendly to me now. He did trust me. Seeing me, they all three were greeting me. Their situation had changed, and they were fine with it. For thousands of years, their lives had been a struggle. They were now warm, sheltered and no longer having to hunt for blood. That and the various cartoons they enjoyed. I chuckled as they were like children...I knew what they were...they were killers, but...I loved them! They were pleasant to be with. I had to remind myself, they were dangerous. Deadly. I could not relax into thinking they were no harm to anyone.

They kept the sound off from the observation room, thank God. I began dealing with the three as they consumed the blood. It was after that Iustina was signing for cartoons.

I chuckled. "Yes, yes..." I said and signed. "Is there any day that's gone by you haven't seen cartoons?" My signing to them was also teaching sentence structure. The screen flickered, not because I did it, but it was programmed to come on. "See?" I pointed to my eyes and then to the screen. I also took note of the social interaction of the three. Ralph was still acting separately. He would express emotion to the other two, but he...wasn't feeling like he belonged? Repetate and Iustina were used to each other. Almost like twins as even expressing the emotion of their faces was shorter. A quick glance to the other...a facial emotional shorthand? Their behavior was fascinating. I wondered when there were more if they interacted. They had almost no childhood and went out in the world to do what they were created to do, but they didn't act like a threat! They were human.

It was a few hours before the door opened again and Colin stepped in with a tired sigh and was greeted by the three Old Ones.

"How did he take it?" I asked as they returned their attention to the screen.

Colin nodded. "He's going to help. Just the usual reaction; disbelief, the sudden utterance to kill them and the slow acceptance of what he can't deny." He shrugged and then chuckled. "He's having a strong drink right now, maybe two."

I nodded chuckling. "I understand why he would." I shrugged, "But he didn't leave, did he?"

Colin shook his head kissing me. "No."

"I'm glad. It seems there are phases to go through after finding this out."

"It's a slow start. It will have to happen again." He put arms around me as he rested his lips against my head. "I almost wish there was a way to have them go through these stages without us being involved. Can you break from the boys?" Colin asked grinning at Iustina who was signing to Colin. "Yes, I've seen that cartoon, Iustina. It is very funny." He looked as Elmer Fudd once again was giving his famous “I'm hunting wabbits” line. Colin looked at me. "I think our visiting doctor could use some positive words...from you."

I gave a sigh. "Yeah, right." I had accepted that in some way I did help talking with people. I could not fight what everyone had told me. Vlad had finally gotten through to me on that.

Going into the lounge part of Vamps...I had to bite my tongue to stop from laughing. Dr. Curtis was downing his drink quickly leaning forward resting his elbows on his knees, but he was shaking. Dex was sitting nearby grinning as he watched Dr. Curtis' reaction. The composed elegant man of some years was a little less confident about how things were now. He looked at me and I saw his eyes widen. I had the venom in me, which made me...he shuddered.

"You're what those things can make people, right?" He asked a little shakily.

"If you mean a vampire? Yes." I nodded.

"I still don't believe it." The doctor shook his head. "You are not like Barnabas Collins." He chuckled. "You are no Dracula."

I chuckled. "I'm no Barnabas Collins. Dark Shadows was a great show I enjoyed many times...a bit drawn was a soap opera, and I've met Dracula. He's really a nice man; misunderstood, but a really nice man." I said smiling with a nod.

The doctor's eyes widened even more and he downed the rest of his drink quickly, not sure if I was joking with him. He gave an audible swallow.

I sat in a chair near him. "It is hard to believe," I admitted to him.

Dex smiled bigger. "That's why we couldn't just...tell you."

The man's hand was still shaking. "No, you couldn't get me to believe it." He shook his head. "They just look...alien!"

"They do!" George said and pointed to Dr. Curtis' glass. "Another?"

Dr. Curtis held his empty glass out in a shaky hand. "Please."

"They are very odd looking," I added. "To me, they aren't as odd as they were. I've seen four of them now and now I see a lot of humanity in them. No one could do this before with them, but I'm teaching them to accept love and even communicate."

He nodded. "I saw that. I guess no one had the time before."

"It was hunt and eat for them before." I shrugged. "Now, we have time. The vampires they created lost the ability and cognitive process to speak to them. We are vampires so no longer a meal for them. We can take the time."

He ran his hand through his hair as he was still processing what he'd seen and now understood.

"It's been around for hundreds of ...make that thousands of years, Dr. Curtis," Colin said sitting by me.

The doctor smiled now. The sudden and rapid intake of alcohol was having an effect on him other than stopping his shaking. "Kevin. I think under these circumstances, formal address and all that is sort of foolish."

"Your foundation on things has crumbled, Kevin," I said softly. "You are a man of science, but even with those parameters, something like this will shake up even those things we become dependent on. You are going through some pretty things. It is changing your thinking."

Kevin laughed a little bitterly. "Oh, yes, it is." He nodded as he looked at me. "Colin said he was born in 1815, which my mind is telling me is impossible. With what I've been shown, how do I know he isn't as old as he claims? How many centuries are you?"

I chuckled. "I haven't even gotten to the half-century point. I was about thirty when I was bitten and that was just a couple years ago."

Kevin nodded. "Okay." He sat back and sighed again, resolving something in his mind. " huge. We will help." He said with new determination. "Do you want my advice?" He offered to Colin.

"Please." Colin nodded.

"You need even more help," Kevin said.

"We have the support of one in Congress and one in the Senate," Colin said. "That and there is a branch of the FBI here."

Kevin nodded. "I mean, even bigger. You will need the military’s active support. You need Presidential support."

George's eyes grew. "The President of the United State!?"

Dr. Curtis nodded. "He is the Commander and Chief of the military. I know someone to speak with at the Pentagon to get this rolling. He's dealt with contagions such as viruses and other biological threats on a national scale." Kevin said. "I've dealt with him before. He will be able to report to the President about this." He chuckled. "No matter what you think of our President..." he was getting a little drunk. "I voted for the other, but he can't argue with them." He thumbed again toward where he knew the Old Ones were.

"You trust him?" Colin asked.

Kevin shrugged. "He's a Major General. Of course, I don't trust him. He's an ass, but he has the authority to report directly to that popinjay in the White House. Once this General sees the evidence...and he can't deny seeing those three..." he thumbed again in a direction, but I knew it was toward the Old Ones again, "he could really turn this around for" He nodded. "I can call him." Standing up and he sat down again from the wooziness that swam through his head, " the morning."

John chuckled. "We'll get you to your room."

Kevin reached over and pulled George's lip up. "No fangs?"

George smiled. "Not in several years."

John on one side of him, George on the other and they walked with him toward the elevator to take him to his room.

Dex nodded to us. "That went very well!" He said happily.


The advantage now was...we were in Manhattan. We were relatively safe. There were going to be problems to face. We knew that. We had given those with knowledge of science the first glance of what was in the world. They went back to their countries and told those in government positions the news.

Dr. Curtis did call his contact with the Pentagon and was told he was coming immediately based on what Dr. Curtis had told him.

Our own government needed to be brought up to speed. It was so...typical in every movie I had ever seen. Some movies are truer than others about human reactions. Major General Dr. Scott Edwards. He was the one that headed up the task force for biological warfare. He was in his late forties with dark hair, accompanied by a blonde woman, a Captain, both Air Force and he walked into the VUN like he was being brought in...the body language was, he was too busy for this. We were expected to explain fast.

George, John, Dex, Kevin, Colin and I met him at the elevator.

"I don't like the cloak and dagger approach to this...contamination." General Edwards said with an obvious edge in his voice. "Why am I here?"

Colin's talent was in play here. His smile was...there on purpose, but he wasn't happy about it. "You need to see it, which will become clear when you have the necessary information. Step down from your high horse and listen, General. Open your mind, for I sense from you now, it's shut right now."

The General looked very angrily at Colin. "Excuse me!?"

"Shut up, Scott," Kevin said calmly to the General, apparently used to the General's bluster. "He's right. You have no idea about what they're going to show you. Just come with us and we will show you." He said and started walking toward the observation room without even looking whether the General was following or not. We headed after Kevin.

The General scowled, but followed Kevin, as well. In the observation room, the General was starting to get even angrier. "I expect an explanation! I think..."

"Here it is," George said and activated the window. "These...are vampires." He waved at the glass.

The General looked and his eyes went from not believing what he was seeing because it was ridiculous, to shock. "What the FUCK!!??" He gasped quietly coming to the glass he asked in stunned amazement at Repetate, Iustina and Ralph, who were watching again cartoons. They were as they always were naked, bald and had no ass or scrotum.

"If you'll listen..." Kevin began. "George Holms here will tell you what the fuck."

"These creatures...are thousands of years old." George said. "They...are vampires."

"What!?" The General said looking at the three. "Vampires!?" He looked at George. "Why are you holding them?" He was reacting in fear. "Destroy them!"

George sighed. "Without knowing the problem?" George asked. "Destroying the victim without looking for a possible cure?"

"That's not a very scientific approach, Scott," Kevin said quietly.

"He's having a natural reaction, Kevin," I said.

"Yes." Kevin nodded. "Are you done reacting?" He asked the General.

The blonde officer, a woman in her thirties with the General was just staring at the three Old Ones in horror. Any military bearing she had professionally was forgotten.

"You don't end a disease by destroying the patient with it," Kevin said. "They began an infestation among people, and it spread around the world. George here is working to understand it and stop it. There are others...that are victims that carry this venom. There are vampires among us. Not the movie or story kind, but real vampires...people that need help. George is treating some...successfully, I will add. He's done some brilliant work."

The General was looking at Kevin and then back to the Old Ones. " them?" He pointed at the Old Ones.

"No," George said. "We...are not like them."

General Edwards looked at George startled. "We!? Are you saying..."

"I was bitten by a vampire. I became a vampire. I am...a vampire." George said quietly.

"There are more of us in hiding around the world," Colin said calmly.

The General looked startled again. "You, too?"

"Don't worry, we're under treatment," Colin said. "There is an unknown amount of us untreated in the United States alone. We have encountered several dozen in England and Europe. Hundreds. Some are now getting treated like we are." He jutted his head at the Old Ones. "They are the source; we are countless generations from them, but we are vampires."

I frowned. "Here we go again." I sighed dreading having to repeat ourselves. "We'll start with what we know so far."

For the next few hours, we recounted again all that we knew about the venom and the resulting vampires. General Edwards' need to be somewhere else was forgotten. He might have been an ass like Kevin said he was, but he was listening now. Soon the jacket was off, he was listening carefully and not really asking questions as George explained and showed him what he found and had recorded so he could see. The female officer kept looking at the window like she was fearing the three would come at her any second.

When we finally got to where he was told a lot of what we knew. The General nodded at last and just looked at us for a moment thinking. It was a lot to absorb, and he was having to adjust his thinking.

"I'm supposed to tell this to the President." He said standing as he began pacing in a small circle worrying about how to do this.

"They need help, Scott," Kevin said evenly. "I had a hard time believing it yesterday. I still am," he chuckled, "but I can't argue with the evidence. Neither can you." He looked back at the window and the three Old Ones who were watching the screen again. They interacted with each other and in many ways, they were really children. They didn't argue or anything, but I watched as Repetate tickled Iustina. Iustina pushed Repetate away but was smiling at Repetate. They played! Did they always exist alone? There were hundreds if not thousands of them once. Did they live together at all?

"Devon has been working with them," George said to the General. "He's even teaching them sign language, something I never thought to do. He's getting them to communicate; possibly for the first time in thousands of years."

"Thousands of years." The General nodded and looked at me. "Why?"

"They are intelligent creatures, General," I said simply. "They're no threat to me, Colin, George or John. They learned about cartoons and can't get enough of them. They can learn. Once I get enough language in them, we can find out more from them."

He gave a grudging nod. "I suppose so." He ran a hand through his hair and looked around the observation room. "They are in a heavily populated area of the world. They could get out and threaten millions."

"They've killed millions in the past." Colin shook his head. "This place was built for keeping vampires. There is no facility more secure."

"You need access to better labs."

George chuckled at the General's assumption. "You haven't even seen my lab, General." He did the "come with me" gesture with his finger as he rose and led the way. "I have every confidence you won't find a better-equipped lab." He said leading the General further down a corridor and waved him in the door to his lab.

Stepping in the dimly lit lab the General's mouth dropped as he looked at the many pieces of equipment. There were computers and things he didn't recognize there. Beakers and test tubes with chemicals that were doing things I only guessed what was happening. In many ways, I was thinking of the mad scientists in movies and shows. It was very organized and clean, but I heard the "it's alive" in my mind from Frankenstein or something like that. Monitors were displaying what was just unknown to me, but George knew what they meant.

"You need personnel." The General said.

Kevin waved. "That's why we're here to help with that."

The General nodded but was thinking. "You have things under control."

"As much control as possible," Colin answered.

Kevin looked at the General again folding his arms over his chest. "And before you go on, Scott. George Holms has been doing this before you were even born. He knows more about these creatures and the ones infected than we do. No government appointed doctor or scientist could ever know more than he does now."

The General gave a long shrugging nod. "And how do I tell the President?"

Kevin smiled nodding. "You show him, too."

The General's eyes grew. "The only way is to bring him here!"

"This is as important as any peace agreement or policy change," Kevin said simply. "Don't you agree?"

"There will be security concerns...Secret Service checks..." the General said.

"Which can be addressed," Kevin said. "There are rare occasions that occur where they can be held back. They have their own security that will rival the best Secret Service Agent." He pointed at the General's uniform. "It was something like this that will help you earn you a third star."

"But you seek backing?" The General asked George and then looked at Colin. "Any government funding needed?"

"No funding needed." George laughed at his own thoughts. "We sort of came out, if you will, for that government backing...not the financial support."

"We are seeking understanding," Colin said seriously. "We will be spreading throughout the world further. The world's governments need to know what we're up against and see what they can do to help. We seek cooperation."

"We have limited support by way of the FBI," I said. "The support from a member in Congress and the Senate but be clear...we will not allow anyone from any military or other group take control of them or what we do."

"As there is no law regarding this sort of thing," Colin began to point out, "no law has been broken. We pose no threat to anyone."

George nodded. "We are trying to protect people."

"Not just here in the United States, but the world," John added.

The General shook his head as he was still processing it all. "This is all so...incredible." He looked at Colin and me. "The others here are all vampires?"

George shook his head. "Can't you tell?"

"No." The General answered.

Colin chuckled. "And we're not telling you."

It was another hour more when we took the General and his assistant to the elevator so he could do his job with the military.

He shook our hands as he was about to get on the elevator. "How do I express appreciation for what you showed me? I'm not grateful for that." He admitted. "I can see it is important, however." He gave a lopsided smile. "I'll touch."

Colin turned to George with a smile. "This isn't going too badly."

George grunted. "We just started."

"Don't be such a pessimist," I told him.

Kevin looked at us. "He may be cautious, but he is right to be concerned."

"General Edwards was pretty understanding," Colin said. "He seemed reasonable once we got him down to earth."

Kevin nodded. "He may be given no choice." He said going through the possibilities in his mind. "The President could decide this can't happen." He shrugged with a sad sigh. "He is sort of a buffoon." He looked at us. "We will begin helping immediately."

"Thank you, Kevin." George smiled shaking his hand.


There were a few days that passed where we hadn't heard a word from anyone about what we'd revealed to some very important people. Our lives didn't really change. I continued to work with the Old Ones, and they were picking up words. Nouns were pretty easy. You see object. It is what it is. Adjectives and Adverbs were not that hard either like "pretty picture" or "walk fast." The idea of self was not hard, but they would often refer to themselves by their own name. "Repetate food" or "Iustina cartoon Bugs Bunny." But they were getting it!

The others in our family...those working with us at the VUN were kept at a distance for now for their own safety. We did, however, get together for dinner one night. I missed them and it was again crowded in our apartment.

"You're not saying much about what's happening, Colin," Willie said to both me and Colin. "Do you think it's going alright?"

Colin was serving himself from a platter and gave a reluctant shrug. "I guess. It's still pretty early to tell."

I looked at Colin. "They should be told about our probable guest."

Colin looked a little hesitant but then nodded. "It may not happen, but...the General that was here reports to the President. He suggested to get cooperation from the military, we need to let the President know."

"He might come here," I added jabbing Colin lightly. "Don't be evasive. It would give us a major push forward to have some more cooperation."

"What!?" Stan blurted suddenly. "The President!? Here? At the VUN!?"

Colin nodded. "Seeing is believing." He said simply.

Mark chuckled. "You know?" He looked at me and Colin. "As rich as he's supposed to be...couldn't he afford a better solution to his hair loss? It's a combover!"

Stan looked at Mark shocked. "He's the President!"

Mark patted Stan's hand tolerantly. "Very good, Stan." He grinned.

Stan rolled his eyes.

"He takes a dump just like everyone else does." Mark shrugged. "Name one thing he's done since coming to the office other than piss people off with his endless twittering?" He leaned closer to Stan and stage whispered. "I will tell you, his shit stinks, too."

"I don't care about the politics, but he is President!" Stan growled.

George shook his head with a chuckle. "Stan's right. When Colin said he was going to tell others, I didn't like it, but now..." he shrugged. "Now that it is. It doesn't matter to me anymore."

Colin smiled at George's words. "Well, they know about more than I wanted to let them know about..." he looked at him, "George!"

George squirmed a little but smiled. "That was an accident."

"And John?" Colin asked.

John nodded. "The same reason Devon agreed to let them know about him as you were with the truth." He said logically taking George's hand.

"The scientists that were here saw Wayne and Amasis go in with the boys," Colin said. "They didn't hear anyone say they were vampires, was clear about what they were."

"Don't worry, Daddy," Gabriella said understanding. "No one else will tell about us."

It was just a day later as Colin worked again on the business part of Holms' Laboratories when Colin's phone went off. He looked at the screen and opened the link. He was in the building, why call this way?

"George?" He said puzzled as he gazed at me as he heard what was said making his eyes widen even more. "Now?" He turned to me. "The President's here."

"Well, he does live here when he can, in Manhattan." I shrugged. "His place here is bigger than the White House."

Colin looked down at himself. "He's on the roof and George is heading up there now to greet him. There's no time to even change." He waved at his jeans and shirt.

I chuckled as I went to him bringing his face up from his sitting position. "You're beautiful, Colin. You always take my breath away." I said kissing him. I could still make him blush.

"He's being escorted to the observation room," Colin said.

I frowned looking at the light outside. It was only three o'clock. "Okay, it would be better after sunset. The President's here and a busy man. We shouldn't keep him waiting." I took Colin's hand. "We're going to greet the President."

We didn't run, but we were moving a little faster than normal. When we arrived on the floor using the stairs the elevator dinged on the floor of the room with the Old Ones. As the door opened we saw George, General Curtis, and the President came out. George was in a white lab coat, the General in uniform and the President in a nice suit and coat for Manhattan winter. I knew there were no tags on his clothes.

"...simply tell me?" The President was asking exasperatedly. "I have meetings!" He was clearly annoyed.

General Curtis stopped. "If I could, I would, Mr. President." He sighed trying to be patient. "I saw it and I still have a hard time accepting it." He motioned for the man to go ahead of him. "A moment of your time and you'll understand."

The President sighed and began walking towards us. "I had to practically restrain my service agents. This is highly irregular."

"As high as their security clearance is...they wouldn't be high enough for this." The General said. "You're safe here." He said and looked at George. "Isn't he?" He said with a little edge in his voice. "If not, we all go down."

George knew what he meant and nodded. "He's safe." George smiled at Colin and me. "This is Colin and Devon Wentworth, Mr. President. They both work here very hard."

The truth was, the President looked at us impatiently. "He told me about a biological that I had to see to believe." He waved his hands. "Well, here I am."

George opened the door to the observation room. "Step in here and you'll see." He led the General and the President to the observation window and turned the window on.

Whatever you thought of the President. He was human. He saw the three forms lying on their backs. Even in the Old Ones'...sleep...they did look odd. You could tell they weren't really human...or expected some otherworldly explanation. Because they were on their backs, what one of the parts that were missing was clearly seen...or rather not there to be seen.

"What the Hell?" The President asked softly as his eyes widened, just as everyone's did. He turned to George. "Aliens? Are those real aliens?"

George shook his head with a sad smile. "No, Mr. President. They're human...sort of. Aliens might be easier to believe, but they are humans...they are vampires."

The President's eyes grew again as if they weren't wide enough. "Vampires!?" He waved at the window. "Why do you keep them? Kill them!" He said to the General.

"Mr. President..." General Curtis began.

"That's a Presidential Order! Kill them!"

"No!!!" I shouted sharply stepping in front of him between the window and the President. "If you kill them...then you need to kill me!"

The President turned to me in disbelief. "Why? If they are what you said they are, why are they still alive?"

"I'm a vampire, too."

The President's eyes could not get bigger as he was looking totally shocked. "You can't be."

Colin came over and took my hand. "My husband doesn't lie, Mr. President."

"Your husband!?" The President repeated.

"I'm a vampire, too," Colin said. "You'll have to kill me if you kill Devon."

I cocked my head. "Which part is harder to believe? That we're gay, or that we're vampires?"

The President did pause a little. Why was it always hard to accept that there were gay people in the world? "The gay thing is just surprising, but you're vampires!?" He said backing away a little. "You're saying you are vampires."

"No fangs now with treatment," Colin said. "But there is a threat to not only Americans but the entire world. We are at last addressing it. Overdue for thousands of years."

"I have proof," George added. "I have medical minds now from around this world to verify this proof. I can share it with you if you're willing to listen."

"It has been going on for thousands of years in the dark, hiding," I said. "We now have a treatment that will help those that need treatment."

The President nodded. "There are more?"

George nodded. "More than even I could have guessed. I am one, too."

The door to the observation room opened and in walked John with Vlad.

I had not really thought about Vlad, but he might be needed. I didn't want to influence the President, but he had to listen. Vlad could make him listen.

"This man is a friend." George pointed to Vlad. "Vlad Dragon, meet the President of the United States."

Vlad gave a European bow and held his hand out. "It is a pleasure to meet you." He had an accent, but I really didn't notice it much anymore, but the President did.

"Vlad Dragon?" The President asked. "What sort of name is that?"

"His name, Mr. President. He works here." I said.

George looked at John. "This is John Burke, my fiancé." He took John's hand. "He is also a vampire."

The President was looking very uncertain. These people were claiming to be vampires, but all gay and...he was bothered by both things we revealed. "I see."

"Your reactions are expected, Mr. President," I said.

Colin nodded. "What we would like is help. React as needed, but soon...can we count on some action, instead of reaction?"

"What do you want to be done with them?" The President asked.

"That's why you're here." General Curtis said. "Now you know why I couldn't just tell you. You had to see them to believe it."

"They are very dangerous," I said. "Because Colin, George, John, and I have the venom in our blood, they aren't interested in us and are really quite interesting. I don't kid myself. If you are not a vampire, they will kill. They can't get out."

George nodded looking at the three in the room and turned the window off. "As much as I hate to say it if they do try...we have safeties in place. Sunlight will hurt them. They are as susceptible to injuries like anyone. They will be killed if needed, but knowing more about them tells me more about how to get rid of this."

"We were all victims, Mr. President," Colin said. "There are only a few that chose this because they loved one of us."

"I was one that chose to be bitten," I said. "The circumstances were unique."

"What are the plans?" The President asked.

"We had some very brilliant scientists from various parts of the world here a few weeks ago." George began. "We told them about those three and about the venom. They are in their countries now preparing their governments to help. These scientists want to help. There will no doubt be phone calls from these governments. What you do will help determine what they may do."

The President sighed and looked at his watch. "I have a meeting in six hours." He looked at the General. "I expect full reports. You can show me what you've found out, but I won't be able to understand it." He looked at George. "Will I?"

George gave a slight shrug. "Perhaps with more time you might. If I explain what you're seeing."

The President moaned. "Okay..." he turned to General Curtis. "This is your job. Keep me posted about these..." he looked at the window, which he couldn't see the Old Ones now, "...things." He looked at Colin and me. "How do I trust you?"

Colin shook his head. "I can't do anything to prove I can be trusted now." He smiled. "There are those that don't trust you." Colin pointed out. "You know that. I will say, you're not a fool. We both have money...a lot of money. You didn't build what you have by being stupid. I respect that. Trust those you feel you can."

"There are many lives that have been ruined by this," George said. "We offer them the chance to get some of life back."

The President looked again at the Old Ones. "These are real." He said reluctantly as he looked again. "This isn't some elaborate trick?"

"They are not surgically altered or anything," I said. "What would we gain doing that?"

"I don’t know." The President's face changed to one more...predatory. "I don't know." He said again and waved at the window. "I see nothing, but three bodies lying in a room."

"What proof do you want to see?" George asked. "They will not be allowed out to harm anyone. If you mean proof as in they would feed on a human being, that won't happen. That is the thing we are trying to keep from happening and undo the damage." He waved out the door. "I can show you what I have."

The President followed George to his lab. Again, I was not interested in rehashing what had been explained again and again. I was still new to this life as a vampire. There were things I found I could sense more of now. One of those things was where the sun was. I was aware of where it was in the sky even if I couldn't see it. We were deep inside with no windows, but I felt the sun reaching the horizon I looked at Colin.

"It will be sunset in a few minutes," I said to Colin. "If the President wants to see them up and moving around they will be doing that soon." I thumbed back to the room with the Old Ones. "I'll be with them."

"Devon Wentworth." The President said before I walked off as he grinned a little unsettling at me. "You don't like me, do you?" He looked at Colin and then George and John. "None of you do."

"Again," I said. "I don't lie. You have a reputation I don't care for, be it just hype or truth." I smiled. "You don't like homosexuals."

"I don't care about that." The President said.

I chuckled. "Of course, you do. You say that because there are millions of us in the United States. To say you don’t wouldn’t win any of their votes. Frankly, I was stunned when you did win the election." I waved at him. "Your reaction to us said you don't approve. I will tell you; I didn't vote for you. I don't think you make a good President, but you are President. We will deal with that. You have the authority we need. That is why you're here. Not for us, but for all those people out there that did vote for you."

The President smiled a little icy. "Right." He looked at Colin. "I don't suppose you voted for me either."

Colin chuckled. "I haven't voted in over a hundred years. The last election I voted in was to keep Zachary Taylor out of office in 1849. I didn't want that Whig to take any power." Colin shrugged. "He was military and never held an office before." He said logically.

The President's eyes grew a little again. "In 1849." He wasn't believing that. "You were alive in 1849."

"I was born in 1815."

The President nodded. "I see."

Colin nodded. "Taylor died shortly after getting into office a year later. I was going to vote in 1850, but...the last election I felt hope for was 1845. James Polk was a Democrat at least."

The President nodded. "I see." He looked at George. "And you?"

"I didn't really vote. Herbert Hoover was elected into office, I was going to vote for Roosevelt in 33, but..." he waved at himself and pointed at his neck, "something came up."

"You were alive in 1933?" The President said repeating as he had with Colin. He looked at John. "And you?"

"Before I was bitten, government leaders were born to an office," John chuckled. "This was the New World, so there were no elections back then. There were settlements even more than colonies then."

The President gave a look of doubt, but... "You have got to admit, this is impossible to believe! What you're saying is crazy!"

General Curtis smiled. "Impossible to believe?" He asked. "Difficult, yes, but it is the truth."

The President turned away and waved his arms out in frustration. "How can I believe this? Any rational person would not." He turned to Colin and me. "I am rational! My mind is telling me this can't be true." He nodded to Colin. "No. It's not that I don't like homosexuals...I just can not understand how you operate. What you do is beyond my comprehension. It's not natural!"

I nodded. "God should have consulted you in human design."

"What!?" The President said. "No, of course not, but we aren't designed to do that! Men and women have...different parts that go together. Men with men..." he said. "A dick isn't supposed to go there!"

"No? Now, you are God." I smiled. "I knew someone who put himself in as God for another reason. How do you know what God intended?"

"I didn't say that." The President argued. "A dick doesn't go up an ass!!! It just doesn't!"

Colin nodded calmly. "And you've never put your dick up a woman's ass?"

"There are some good nerve clusters back there on men," John said. "A lot of straight men know that and have them stimulated by their wives or girlfriends."

"Some men don't need their girlfriends or boyfriends do it for them at all," I said. "They have these wonderful dildos..."

"It should be against the law!!" The President said. "I don't believe in a gay gene! You're not born with it!"

I nodded. "I don't believe in the gay gene either."

The President was startled when he heard me say that. "It's a choice."

"No, it's not a choice. Would that matter? If it is a choice. Two adults choosing the same thing, who is anyone to tell them they can't. I do believe we are born gay and straight. There are some that are attracted to both." I shrugged. "I believe it's chemical as in hormones and enzymes that cause a baby's brain to form to say if they are gay or straight or somewhere between. The right cocktail of those chemicals is to be given as the baby is formed. That part of the brain that is masculinized or feminized is formed by those." I waved at the computer. "There are websites that show the findings from universities and science facilities. I can show you the gay rams and the research that was done."

"Gay rams?" The President repeated.

"It happens in nature. There are rams that go for other rams." I nodded. "There are subsequent findings to show..."

"Okay, okay." The President clearly didn't want to discuss it. "You're here." He shook his head. "I just don't understand it."

"I can't understand you straights, either." I smiled. "What we are seems natural to me, but I accept straight sex is how humans exist. It's just not for me."

The President gave a grin that didn't really look happy. "I am always looking for that hidden angle. Trust is not always given." He looked at the General. "I don't think you can be fooled easily, either. Do you believe this?"

The General gave a shrugging nod. "Do I believe it all? I'm adjusting. I am still adjusting. I don't understand it all, yet I can't argue with what I see and what is fact."

The President nodded. "And that's why I will rely on you." He looked at his watch again. "I am so late."

Vlad asked me closer with a small gesture. "Do I suggest anything?" He whispered to me.

I chuckled. "I'd love for you to. Suggest he be a better leader and try to be at least a competent president, but..." I looked at the President as he was talking to the General, "but he needs to do this on his own. If we try to influence his mind, it could lead to more doubt later."

Vlad shrugged. "I am here to help."

"Stick around a few more minutes, Mr. President." I smiled. "The boys will be awake in a few minutes. You will see them better."


Getting their needed blood, I went down the corridor again, I sensed the sun's position and knew where it was. The guards nodded at me and one opened the door. Now, none of the Old Ones were anxiously waking. The past few days had told all three that someone would be here with what they needed. Taking away that need to hunt was changing them. Yet, they had lived for a few millennia with certain things they had gotten accustomed to. I found it remarkable they were easy to satisfy. They greeted me with smiles and did the rubbing thing to me which I responded like always. The monitor they watched came on again and again the various cartoons would be seen. We spent the first few minutes as they consumed the blood and began watching the cartoons. I tried again to get them to learn to communicate. I lost track of time when I heard the door open again and Colin came in. The three greeted him, but...even though Colin didn't really care, he was never greeted like Vlad, or I was.

"How'd it go?" I asked.

Colin smiled and sat behind me a little on the floor. "It went well, I think. There will be those that aren't going to be so nice about it." He said leaning on me as his arms came around me. "I know it seems like what we are is a good thing. Dex's reaction was just one of many that said it. Maybe it's not so bad now."

I nodded. "It isn't, Colin," I said honestly. "Baby, you lived in that awful time when you didn't know about the true nature of vampirism; or the serum which had yet to be discovered. You suffered, I've heard you say it and I try to understand. I can't. It never happened to me."

"But it could again," Colin said sadly. "If we go off the serum."

"If...we go off the serum." I reminded him. "You've been on it a while. Things happened to make you go off the serum. I have gone off the serum. It was horrible. I can't imagine that hunger every day for a century or more."

Colin smiled at me nodding. "I'm glad you can't." He said resting his head against mine.

"If we do lose the serum, there are ways to survive. John's sheep, Edwin's access to cow blood and even Vlad had alternate resources." I said quietly. "It will be rough, but we'll survive."

"I suppose," Colin admitted. He chuckled. "I don't know which was worse. The fact we are vampires or gay."

I chuckled. "I would have to say, it was a toss-up. Now, his vice-president...he is just..." I shook my head. "He opposed everything from same-sex marriage to simple rights. He wants us to be converted. His focus was on the family."

"We have a family! He wants us converted." Colin repeated distastefully. "That's been tried by many."

"That's right. It doesn't work." I said. "Religious groups...even the Nazis tried to convert us by having gay men sleep with lesbians."

Colin grinned at me. "I don't want to be converted. I love you too much."

I smiled back pulling his arms tighter about me as he moved his face toward my neck and began nibbling lightly there. "I understand that you do." I smiled enjoying what he was doing. "I don't want to be converted either. I don't think that would help because I love you, too."

Colin pulled me gently back against him and kissed me gently. "I know." He glanced at the three. "Are you about done here?"

"They'll be up for several hours more," I said seeing the look in his eyes I knew. "Why?"

"We can go spend time together. Alone." He smiled pressing his forehead against mine. "I want to make love with you. I like it when we touch. You can play with my chest hair and anything I have. I love you."

The way he said it, so sincerely and heartfelt just caused again that feeling in me, wanting to be close as possible to Colin. "I love you." I kissed him gently. Repetate, Iustina, and Ralph were again looking, absolutely baffled by what they saw Colin and me do. I mean, all we did was touch and kiss, but I realized, they communicated by expression. They could probably read our expressions and...well...they hadn't seen that much. I dared to explain it now that they could understand a little more. I sighed. "Colin me favorite man." Using base words to convey the idea. "Devon Colin favorite man." It was easier than saying. "I love Colin and he loves me." I did tell them that, but... I got up pulling Colin up with me. "Now," I said out loud. "I'm going with Colin because he is my favorite man." They looked even more puzzled. I gave them each a kiss on the head and smiled. "I'll be back later," I said as I took Colin's hand, and we went to the door and went in the corridor.

Colin chuckled pulling me close as we walked. "We got the same look from the President."

I grinned. "Those three have an excuse. He doesn't. It was Dex said it was a shame to live as long if they couldn't have sex. I agree."

"It's a crime!" Colin stated. "That's just wrong to never know love." He began hurrying. "We do!"

Once back in our apartment, Colin grabbed me, pulling me into a kiss that was both consuming and very passionate. He began pulling my shirt out as he walked me backward toward our room.

"Okay, this is great, Colin..." I chuckled as he moved down my face to my neck. "Is there something else going on here?"

"Sure, there is." Colin smiled kissing me again. "There is love, of course." He grinned more leeringly. "And lust, most definitely." His hands ran over me back under the shirt that was loose, feeling me over with his warm hands. "Adoration." He said kissing my neck again.

I was enjoying this as I pulled his shirt open to reveal the wonderful growth of hair over his chest. "And?"

Colin looked a little angry. "Well, who the Hell is he to say we shouldn't love!?"

I ran my fingers through his chest hair. "Oh, I see. This is a big fuck him and the Vice-President."

Colin looked at me surprised but considering what I said. "Well, him and all those others...this is how it's supposed to be dummies in the world. Forbidden love." His eyebrows danced a bit as he pushed me down on our bed. "And I do love you, Devon." He said kicking his shoes off as his hands ran over me and pulling my belt off and unzipped my pants.

I loved touching him. I stopped him making him look at me with his emerald green eyes. "I know you do. Say it again."

There was a change in his eyes as they softened as he smiled. "I do so love you, Devon. I waited so long for you. No one can say we shouldn't love. I love you."

"God!" I said loving the feelings he made me feel. "I know you do, Colin. I love to hear it. I know you do. I love you, Colin. You have my heart, my body, and soul. I love you."

He nodded smiling more. "I know you do. You have all of me. I belong to you."

By now, our bodies pressed together were so in tune with each other, we knew what would happen. Welcoming the contact. There was a slow and boiling passion and yes, it was an act of love and a little defiance at the President's words that left us both exhausted, having cum several times, breathless, gasping, but extremely satisfied.

I looked at him as we cuddled together and said again quietly. "I love you, Colin."

"I know. I love you, Devon." Colin said in a whisper.

"I know."