We got up and I got to see more of this museum George called home. It did look like a monument inside. There were no personal touches that said...George or John lived here. The house just said no one lived here. In many ways, a museum or monument might have been more inviting. We needed enough time to get back and change. Colin and I got up but didn't know where to go. Colin needed to eat...and get coffee.
Colin knocked on George's and John's door. It was about time to head back, so they had to be up. It took a few minutes before the door opened and a smiling almost dressed John was there. "Good morning!" He greeted brightly.
Even I backed up just slightly. "Is it?"
John smiled and waved to come in. "It is for me." He began to finish buttoning his shirt. He waved in a direction toward a door. "George is finishing getting dressed." He nodded. "We have got a few hours to get there." He cocked his head at Colin. "We don't have Death Wish Coffee."
Colin let out a grunt. "We didn't have a lot of notice to give. You didn't have time to stock up...or ever invite us before..."
I gave Colin's hand a quick squeeze. "We have time to get some at the VUN."
John smiled. "We've never entertained." He looked at Colin. "You've been here."
"Ten or fifteen years ago," Colin said. "The venom allowed us to go in the sun, but we still took injections." He looked at the room. "It hasn't changed a bit."
John frowned. "George is usually at the VUN. Asking people from there over..."
"I understand." I smiled. "We'll talk later. We were fine last night. Are you two?"
John nodded as he finished by tucking his shirt in. "We'll be at Vamps soon enough."
"It's not rush hour, but it is Manhattan." Colin waved at the outside toward the street. "It's a few New York City blocks!"
I grinned at John's happy face. "I take it, things with you and George are good now."
John smiled a little embarrassed. "They are. I'm sorry for yesterday..."
I came over and hugged John. "What you felt, was how you felt. It doesn't matter if it was wrong or right." I leaned in a little closer. "You were right, though."
John chuckled. "I could have done it better. That wasn't very mature."
"When it comes to the heart, we all regress." Then my eyebrows narrowed. "Now, for that stake, we put in the ground back in England when you were feeling guilty about my becoming a vampire..." I said warning. "What happened was years ago...you didn't know..."
John gave a slight nod a gave me the side look. "Yes, but I still feel bad about it!"
"John." I smiled. "I'm fine. You did me a favor. Now, I have Colin a lot longer."
John gave a grunt. "We hope."
We saw George come out of a room I could make out clothes hung in a big closet. "Is this the right tie?" He asked looking up as he had two ties, one in each hand. He smiled at us. "Oh, hi, guys." He walked closer to John. "What tie?"
John pointed to the light silvery blue one in his left hand. "It will be a good contrast to your hair and eye color."
George nodded with a grin, kissing him, but it was a little longer than a simple peck. "Thanks."
John smiled. "This time, you won't be spilling anything volatile on it." Then he looked at George closer. "Will you?"
George shrugged. "I never intend to."
"I know." John smiled as George began to arrange his tie. "God, we're not even married, and I sound like a wife."
"No." I shook my head. "You sound like his life partner. It's your job. Do you know when you want to get married?" I asked, smiling at this little domestic display.
John grinned. "There's no hurry..." he began, "no one's pregnant."
"So?" Colin asked. "As much as Devon and I have sex, one of us should have been many times and being pregnant shouldn't be a reason to get married."
"That's three weddings if we do it in the spring," John said.
"I think we can spare the time and money." Colin smiled. "Love trumps everything and it's the most important."
George nodded kissing John again. "I agree."
We did make it pretty well back to the VUN. Colin and I went up so he could have his Death Wish Coffee and breakfast. Then a quick shower and change at home and we were back down fifteen minutes before we were to begin.
Once back in the room he had the huge monitor, it began and one more time, George's attention was being called for. Including this woman from Australia with light brown hair in her mid-thirties. Only, I did notice she was...she was trying a little harder to attract George's attention. She had come in later and not seen George and John walk in together. Her hair was done like in a salon and her outfit was not business, but she had a figure most men liked. One more time with the light touches, which this time George noticed. He smiled at her as he waved toward John.
"I need to introduce someone." He smiled warmly as he reached out and held his hand for John. "This is my fiancé, John Burke. He's my rock." He said leaning in kissing John...not chaste, but less than he would have with more privacy.
High IQ? Her face showed surprise and yes...was a little disappointed.
"Oh." The woman said taking her hand from George's arm and extended her hand to John. "It's nice to meet you."
I chuckled. "It's a shame there is no gaydar. She could have saved time...and money." I said to Colin.
Colin nodded. "If there ever is one. George will have discovered it."
We had a late breakfast, but that didn't stop Colin from having lunch. I rolled my eyes as the waiter came and gave him his steaks. Only two this time, he wasn't that hungry. Vampires ate a lot, but Colin ATE A LOT!
I glanced over at George and John. Since the incident was so recent with John, it was still on George's mind, and he made sure everyone knew he belonged to John. The little touches and never really losing contact with John. I was pleased to see John loved that George did it willingly and it wasn't really just for show; George meant it. I did feel a little sorry for the woman from Australia. She'd found a good target. George was very healthy and strong. He could have fathered some beautiful and intelligent children...but not with her.
Then came the other questions and presentations. A greater explanation of how the Old Ones were created. The history as we knew it from the scrolls we scanned from Egypt and again with the solid evidence we had. George's samples. He did get a few questions about the reproduction of vampires. Questions about Repetate and Iustina and did they ever act out in a sexual way?
"The basic urge to find a mate, spreading their DNA doesn't exist in either Repetate or Iustina. However, they are human...formed as a human and do respond to general socialization. They are sociable. However, they do not have what all men do." He hit a button on the remote and now, there was something I never thought I would see. The inside of Repetate's or Iustina's bodies. Only this was from the waist down. Organs were colored! Of their...penises? How did George do that!? "They have no ejaculatory ducts, seminal vesicles or even a prostate. They just have the Urethra to urinate with. They seek blood, but as that need is met or they find someone they can't feed on...they can be quite...happy having another human with them. That DNA imperative is not there to reproduce except through the passing of their venom. The need to give DNA to someone and reproduce brings us to vampires that are created by these Old Ones. The venom causes the DNA to be rewritten and the desire...the urge to find a mate and continue another generation also begins to break down. Yet, the venom takes on part of the new vampire which is passed to the next generation. That's why Colin and Devon can speak and reason. They are enough generations down the line that they retain that."
The woman from Australia said. "Is that why they are in a homosexual relationship?"
George sighed. "No, Doctor. They're merely human. Some humans are what they are." George said simply. "The sexual nature of a human is so deep, the need for someone to share life with is there...for survival, but the reason is no longer there. To be clear, the venom does not really change the nature of the person. There are people that were bitten that were gay or straight before they were bitten, but if the right human being comes around, the vampire will be attracted to them. It is a theory, but I think after the venom, they don't look for the symmetrical evenness in features of their target, but what will make the vampire a better hunter. Will that person help them become a better vampire? In one case, I believe that was the case. Both are warriors...soldiers who were very good at hunting...or killing to get blood. The recognition and familiarity of the two tell the venom...or DNA that was the best choice to join with." He smiled at his own thoughts. "There are some that are that way before they are bitten. This lack of DNA directive to reproduce to continue the species just made it more...enticing. Irresistible." He looked up slightly at John and smiled slightly more.
I frowned as I growled to Colin. "That isn't us." I hissed. "I was lusting for you before I became a vampire and before I knew you were a vampire."
Colin nodded. "I know, I told you that day two. It is Vlad and Gaius George is talking about." He waved at the others. "George needs to be careful. He's practically has a red neon arrow pointing at himself by saying I'm a vampire, too!"
"He didn't do that," I said to Colin.
"Surrounded by geniuses? Who knows what they can figure out?"
I nodded. "I'll wager money more than half these men have had their cocks sucked by a guy and even sucked a cock or two themselves and gone further. There are a few carpet lickers here, too." I muttered.
Colin smiled and chuckled as he looked at our guests. "You'd win."
"You know of others." A man I knew was from Texas said. "That are like Misters Wentworth." He grinned. "Sorry, I would say Mr. and Mrs. Wentworth, but which is which. How many vampires are out there?"
George thought. "As far as we know...worldwide there are several hundred thousand..."
That led to a gasp from the people attending. "That many?" A man asked in disbelief. "How could we miss them for thousands of years?"
"...or more," George added quickly. "A vampire's nature is also programmed. Other than seeking blood, hiding is the next important item on the agenda. Stay hidden in the dark out of sunlight."
"From what you've shown us...are you sure they're human?" An oriental man asked in accented English. "They almost sound...alien."
"But contain all the DNA markers a human has? The same forty-six. Pairings of the twenty-three chromosomes. They at least...are not naturally occurring pairings. I am thinking it is a possible mutation."
"But...that's impossible!" A woman said again in disbelief. "This is too perfect in design."
George shrugged. "So, is the human body, to me. That's why I became a doctor." He tapped on himself, "but here it is." He waved at the monitor. "Here they are."
"But an extremely long life...and never any sex!? What's the point?" A man said sadly making others chuckle. "That would be hell never having sex!? No wonder they're killers."
I was fascinated by looking at the screen.
During a break, I sifted through the guests to get to George and John. George was not letting go of John again. Going over, I grinned at the big redhead. "I always wanted to see how those two were put together. They let you examine them?"
George grinned shaking his head. "Noooo." He admitted. "Stan helped me with that."
"I don't think you mean he held them down for you," I said.
"No." George shook his head. "He helped develop the scanners in the room so I could do it over time."
"The Disflavor. He could go in and out." Colin nodded.
"That's right," George answered. "I have a lot more on them. I've even been able to take blood and tissue samples." He frowned. "There really isn't much to go on. They have the same blood we do." He chuckled. "They have the same blood we had when we were vampires."
"How extensive have you gotten?" I asked.
"Well, I've begun study of their DNA." George smiled. "And there are differences. They are human. The problem is I only have two samples. For a more thorough study, I need more samples of the Old Ones' DNA." He smiled. "Not to be tiresome, but we differ from other primates like chimpanzees very little. They have 96% of what we have. A comparison is key. There are five hundred and ten sequences in primates. We have five hundred and nine. Why?"
Colin and I looked at each other and I said. "I assume you're not waiting for an answer from us."
"Because a sequence pair merged in us," George said. "One sequence we find the connections that should be on the end of the sequence is in the middle of one, two ends are now joined. Meaning they have merged."
"The Old Ones are mostly gone." I pointed out.
George nodded with a shrug. "I'll just have to work with what I have." He shrugged. "It will just take a while to figure out what is and isn't there." He smiled. "But I'll find it!"
Colin nodded as he patted George on the arm. "Just...stay on our side."
"We have time." I nodded. I looked down at George's hand, which was still attached to John's. "Good for you, George." I raised Colin's and my joined hands.
George grinned leaning in and kissing John. "I might get caught up in things, but I'll come out of it if you nudge me."
"Just keep the communication going," Colin said. "It works."
I nodded. "Never assume the other can see or understand what you do. Say it clearly, in words."
"And never assume the other knows you love them," Colin added, he grinned at me. "I know he knows how I feel. We just make it a habit to tell the other. It sounds excessive..."
"But it isn't," I added as I looked at my watch. "We need to let the others know what's happening."
"We'll invite them to dinner at the apartment," Colin said. He grabbed George in a hug. "I'm happy for you two." He said hugging John. "Just don't let go of each other."
I hugged them. "Colin and I love you two." I pointed to George and then John. "Each."
John smiled. "Thank you. I love you, too."
"I know." I smiled.
We met with our family here at the VUN except for George and John who was with our new guests who were being shown more about Repetate and Iustina...and about Colin and me. We couldn't take our people to Vamps, the doctors and scientists would be there. Vamps was vampire owned and run, it had great food in the right quantities, so we ordered dinner for everyone to have in our apartment. We were a family and the only ones missing were George and John. Well, Nicolae and Helga and their children weren't there, but Stan, Mark, Shelly, Amir, and Chuck were there. "You know, sons," Willie began as he served himself some beans. "We will stand with you two."
Colin nodded with a smile as he cut into his fourth steak of the day. "I know you would. However, the Wentworths and Kalins are separate and should remain so for now." He reached over and took Willie's hand. "Thanks, Dad. We don't want to put you, Mom or anybody, here in danger."
"Are you and Devon doing alright?" Gabriella asked. "We've stayed away."
Colin leaned toward me bumping his head against mine. "We're together, Devon and I, so, we're fine."
"Anything to share about George and John?" Mom asked seeming to know more than she was letting on as she sat back a little too smug.
Gabriella nodded with a smile. "So, when's the wedding?"
"Stan and Mark haven't said, neither has Vlad and Gaius," Colin said.
Mom chuckled. "Colin, we saw what was happening." She stated simply with a wave of her hand. "George was being George again and..." she shrugged.
"John was tired of it and gave George the word..." Gabriella thought, "ultimatum is too harsh. John wouldn't do that...exactly."
Mom nodded. "No, not John Burke would never do that...exactly." She looked at Colin's and my expressions. "You had to have seen it! It was right in front of you. John was tired of being second to everything." She looked at me. "I taught you not to treat Colin like that." She shook her finger like she did when she would scold me...it had been a few years ago she'd done that, but... "To treat who you choose to be in your life as the most important thing there is, tell them and show them, you'll work out. I'm glad you got that lesson."
I took Colin's hand. "I did."
Mark said reasonably. "No writing on the wall was needed here with those two! You knew they were going to marry."
Stan nodded chuckling. "We all did."
I nodded. "Yeah, we did. George was just...preoccupied."
"That's George," Shelly said casually. "Did they tell you?"
"They just asked last night!" Colin said. "They haven't said when."
"The only conflict will be if you choose the same weekend," I said pointing at Vlad and Gaius, then Stan and Mark. "I can't come to all of them if they are the same weekend."
"Unless they do them all at once," Colin said.
"No," I shook my head. "Each couple will want and should have their own wedding day."
"Well, you and Colin will be in ours," Stan stated firmly as Mark nodded.
Gaius shrugged. "We want you in ours, too."
Colin nodded. "We might be invited to be in George's and John's."
"I only bet on sure things," Alex said smiling. "You will be in theirs, too. No question in my mind." He looked at everyone at the table. "I don't think any one of us was married without you two in them."
"See!?" Colin said to me. "It is you." He grinned kissing me. "You were in everybody's weddings!"
"So were you!" I pointed out.
Chuck cleared his throat. "Back to what's happening with this big reveal. How is it being received?"
Colin nodded. "So, far, so good." He shrugged. "We made their scientific minds itch. They are scratching."
"What you expect the outcome to be?" Alex asked.
Colin sighed. "Help. Every single country these people are from has vampires. Our meager numbers can't reach them all."
"Red China!?" My mother asked. "Son, they are Communists! Hong Kong is in Red China!"
I nodded. "We know that."
"You could be leading us into some potentially dangerous hot spots," Alex said.
"That have vampires there," Colin said quickly. "We, vampires create a dangerous spot. Not us, but..." he waved at the surrounding world, "all of those people hiding in the dark, unable to deal with this hunger turning what might be otherwise some very nice people. They are dangerous, but they didn't do it. It wasn't a political party they joined or a religious cult, but an infection."
"I'm not talking about the vampires, but the Chinese." Mom said. "We don't always get along."
"How much fears is brought about by propaganda?" I asked. "The Chinese are just people that have vampires there that need help."
Stan nodded. "As hard as it is to get through..." he said. "They are getting through." He looked at a few uncertain faces. "You know that Google had problems in China. Services to access information freely are extremely curtailed and even refused. They have so many firewalls and protections to go through just to give and receive email."
"How many languages are there in the world?" I asked.
"Thousands," Stan said simply. "You know...English isn't the language spoken the most."
"It isn't?" Mom asked surprised.
"No, the language spoken by the most is Mandarin...Chinese." He waggled his eyebrows. "Little more than fourteen percent of the world's population speaks Mandarin. Only five and a half percent speak English."
"I thought almost everybody spoke English," Gabriella said.
"A large portion does, but there is a billion that speak Mandarin." He chuckled. "I'll be programming Buddy before we get over there with their alphabets and grammatical rules."
I nodded. "We didn't know the vampire community was as large as it is."
Colin waved his hands for everyone to slow down and even said. "Whoa, whoa...let's not plan our next trip yet. We'll cross the bridge when we get to it." He gave a sort of shrug with his hands. "It's too late to take it back. I wouldn't if we could. We'll deal with each country as necessary. No, unexpected risks. That's why only Devon and I came out as vampires."
"Which, today..." I smiled a little nervous, "we have to prove."
"By letting them exam you?" Amasis said cautiously. "I don't like that."
Wayne nodded. "We'll be ready."
"Ready? Ready for what?" Colin asked concerned now.
"We may need to spring you from something," Mark said quietly as he shook his head. "Maybe I've picked it up, but...I'm not trusting these people...not yet. I think not trusting is not just for vampires." He waved at my mother. "She's right. There are government powers we need to be careful with...powers that might try to use you. You know there are!"
"What else can we do?" Colin asked.
"We all," Willie waved at the rest of the table, "make sure you both are at all those weddings, son."
Colin suddenly jumped, startled as I heard the buzzing. "Geez!" He yelped quickly and reached in his pants’ pocket and pulled his phone out. "It's on vibrate." He grinned as the others chuckled at him and Colin looked at his phone. "Edwin?" He looked at the clock on our wall at the apartment. "It's two thirty in the morning there."
"Being called at two thirty in the morning by a vampire...that's the middle of the day for him normally." I said shrugging.
"Hi, Edwin," Colin said happily.
I didn't need to move closer because I heard Edwin blurt. "We got one!!" Edwin said excitedly. "We caught one of those Old Ones! I don't know if he's the one that bit Wayne, but he looks just like that Gizmo character and those two you have there!"
Colin was beginning to stand a little as I looked to Wayne sitting by Amasis who...being a vampire...heard what was said. Amasis knew more than we did, I was sure as Wayne would have told him. Wayne's eyes looked...wary. His whole body froze, and he began to look up...not scared, but the possibility it could be, was written plainly. Amasis took Wayne's hand letting Wayne know he was there with him. Colin was looking at everyone here. "You have him...as in you have him at Thornwood."
"Where else?" Edwin said. "He's in a secure area. He won't get out." He assured Colin.
Colin covered his eyes and then ran his fingers in his hair as he thought. "We'll send a plane. One of the containers. He needs to be here." He frowned. "Devon and I can't come...did you tell Mattingly with MI5?"
"And let him and Dr. Hathaway have him!?" Edwin asked astonished. "Hell, no. You're the first I've told. Trust me!"
"We'll go," Alex said standing as did Willie. So did Gabriella and Mom.
"We'll go, too," Vlad said with Gaius. "You two have to be here," Vlad said to Colin and me.
"We can go, too," Chuck said. "We'll take that stuff that makes us taste yucky to them." He grinned.
Colin smiled as he nodded. "Okay, we'll make arrangements. You have the website set up. Keep us updated through Buddy."
I got up and went to Wayne who was still processing what was happening...almost absently. I pulled him up to look at me. "Are you okay, Wayne?"
He was hesitant as his eyes raised to look in mine. He sought what to say. "I...I...don't know." Amasis came up closer behind Wayne, put his arms around him bringing Wayne touching him gently pulling Wayne against him as he spoke to Wayne something...I didn't have the translator, but the language of lovers was pretty clear in whatever language he used. Wayne understood it as he nodded.
I thumbed back to Willie and the others going. "You don't want to go with them," I said hopefully, and I hurried on. "It could be the other one you saw in the distance...or even a completely new one..."
Wayne grinned a little. "You're making friends with him now Devon and he hasn't even gotten here." He shook his head. "You do love everybody."
I nodded and smiled. "Yes, but there are some people I love more for different reasons. You know how I feel about Colin. You also know how I feel about you, Wayne. I'm very protective of you in particular. You're special to me."
Wayne smiled now more. "I know." He hugged me. "I love you, too...Dad."
"You adopted me!! Even when I was that thing you called Jerry, you loved me! I knew it then and now!" Wayne grinned. "You and Colin, but mostly by you! I remember."
I chuckled. "I did. I love the man in you. You're a special human being, Wayne. I always will love you."
Colin came up to us. "We need to tell George about this." He said to me. "Get him to give us a bag or two of that blood he gave to Repetate and Iustina that put them to sleep to get them here." I nodded, turning to Wayne. "Are you good now?" I asked.
Wayne nodded. "Yes. Thank you."
This conference was lasting a week. Our guests should be there when this other Old One got here. They could see what a vampire...an Old One was like wild. The next day of this conference was full of venom. He showed what he found out about the properties of the venom and how it worked changing the man or woman into a vampire. These were recorded showings as the real venom dissolved in light. Very fast in sunlight.
"So, that's why the vampire just burns in sunlight?" A woman asked.
George nodded. "Once bitten and the venom changes...as explained...the victim becomes what makes the venom. It's part of them. That process only takes a day depending on how early the venom was received."
"How could someone thousands of years ago find something like this and know how to use it?" An Asian man asked in accented English. "Something that attacks retreats and leaves no evidence behind."
"Except a corpse drained of blood." Someone griped.
"Until one of you invents the time machine, we may never know that answer," George said.
Later, as Colin and I got ready for bed I walked out into the chill of the evening on the terrace waiting for Colin. I had a robe on. Hearing the city alive below and the lights of Manhattan, I smiled when Colin came out wrapping his arms around me from behind. The warmth of his touch and the solid feel of him to me was...perfect. "I remember the night you proposed to me," I said. "I'll never forget that. It was cold like this is and we had just come in from out here."
"I am so happy you said yes," Colin said pressing his cheek against my head. "I wouldn't have missed it for the world." You know by now, my mind works...strangely. Some things just pop in my head and this song came...I couldn't help it, I chuckled.
"What?" Colin asked. "I wouldn't have."
"Not that, it was just what you said..." I said turning to him. "I got this song in my head, but...it doesn't really fit us."
Colin looked as he thought a few seconds about what he'd said and then started to nod as a smile grew. "Well...not all of it is wrong." He said kissing me tenderly. "If I'm thinking about the same song. I Wouldn't Have Missed It For The World? Ronnie Milsap." My eyes got wider because he got it right! "I listened to music." Colin defended bringing me closer and he sang...softly. "I wouldn't have missed it for the world, wouldn't have missed loving you..." he could carry a tune! And then grinned as he spoke. "We have to change girl to boy, but there are parts I agree with. I'm glad for all the good times, and you did bring a lot of sunshine. I wouldn't trade one memory, because you do mean so much to me." He brought me closer hugging more. "You do mean so much to me." He brought me out a little to see my eyes. "Only...you are not losing me. I'm not losing you. Not ever. No one is more important than you are. I love you."
Things happen when something like this is said, so sincerely and...I felt this...warmth inside of me just grow! I knew what it meant when they said love spilled over because I was crying! He touched something in me so deeply...I wasn't upset or sad. This man loved me so much...I could see it in his eyes that never blinked. Those emerald green had tears as well. "I know you do, Colin." I kissed him gently, not the consuming kind, but slowly, taking everything I could from him he wanted me to have through this intimate touch of very sensitive parts of a person. "I love you."
Colin nodded. "I know." The gift of sex is wonderful. We connected again, slowly, but intensely. It was more than a means to have offspring. It could make two separate people be together no one else could be. It could be casual or even a weapon, but not this time. Homophobic straight people are just so fucking wrong!!! Colin and I belong together. He was mine! I was his. Case closed. Colin chuckled again as I was humming the refrain for "I wouldn't missed it for the world," tune. Colin and I were notified that the Old One was being transported from the airport by helicopter. The plane had landed at a small private airport. Were we breaking laws? I know we were. Plenty of things were brought in illegally to the United States. I know there had to be laws that applied, but on the roof when they began unloading the container, I got a movie flash; the dinosaur being released from its container into the park in Jurassic Park. It was sunset and the Old One was waking up. We planned it, for now, to protect this new Old One from sunlight. This Old One was even just as dangerous as those raptors were. The container was solid metal, but we heard the fierce and loud hiss and pounding on the door. It was cold and windy up here with the helicopter rotors going.
"He needs blood," Colin said to me. "I don't think talking to him will work."
"We planned this," I said. "We have blood." I waved at the plastic bag of blood a man had.
"How do we get him to drink it?" Colin asked as there was another mighty pound on metal by the Old One. "He's pretty angry."
I nodded touching Colin's hand. "Someone has to do this. Think what we've seen, and they are human." He shrugged. "He's scared."
"Hello!" Edwin grinned coming toward us.
I was sort of surprised with what I saw. Edwin and Matt wore the signature black leather...apparently, there was a uniform for vampires. We were joined by Willie, Mom, Alex, and Gabriella...looking at them you could not tell what various centuries they were from. All wore suits that were closely fitted and dark. "Edwin, good to see you again," I said and thumbed toward the container. "Where did you get him?"
"In one of the old mines," Edwin said simply. "We followed him in after he'd fed on a person. That person didn't survive, but we got him."
Walking over to the bags of blood, I reached and picked up two.
"Does this have that...whatever George uses in them to calm him down?" I asked.
"Yes." Colin looked suddenly alarmed. "Wait! You are giving him the blood!?"
I nodded. "Someone has to." I motioned toward the container. "We have sun guns and serum guns. There has to be a beginning to establish trust. To prevent him from trying to escape, turn the sun guns to the door."
Six of the guards came to stand by me pointing the guns at the door and nodded their readiness.
I opened the container hearing the loud hissing screech and I saw the Old One. I was not surprised; he had the bald head and was naked. No scrotum and no rectum I would see. Old Ones were human and had distinctive facial features like people do. Iustina was missing the ear, remember? Repetate was taller, this one was shorter than Iustina. What I saw was terror in his eyes. He was ready to pounce on whoever was there, but the light of the flashlights and the sun guns' harsh ray caused him to flinch back instantly from the pain. "Watch him. You're just scaring him."
"You said turn the sun guns on the door." A guard argued, but it was fear, not anger or frustration.
"It's okay." I said nodding. "On the door, not the Old One. You're scaring him!"
"We're scaring him!?" One of the guards asked in disbelief.
"He is what he was made to be. He was born what he is, not made. He's scared and in pain now. That isn't helping." I said. "He'll have to trust me, he won't with those constantly pointed at him." I muttered more to myself. "I wonder how Steve Irwin felt facing a crock?"
Colin turned me around quickly. "That's not funny. He can still kill you. Be careful." He said pleadingly to me.
I nodded, seeing his emerald, green eyes full of concern. "Yes, he could." I smiled touching Colin's face. "I love you, too," I said kissing him gently. "Just...watch me...I know you will. I'll be okay."
"You gave him the blood George made, right?" I asked the others that accompanied the Old One. "The blood with something to make him sleep."
"I did." My mother said. "He knows what that bag has in it." She pointed to the bag I had.
"How did you get him from the mine cave to Thornwood?" I asked.
"He is human. I figured what works on any man would work on him." Matt said. "He'll have a knot on his head." He said awkwardly as he rubbed the back of his head behind his left ear to tell me where the Old One was struck.
I nodded. "Then...you should probably step back." I laughed lightly.
"It took six of us to get him into the container," Willie said. "He's very strong."
"I'm going in with you," Colin said taking my arm a little firmer than necessary.
My smile grew. "Fine," I said shrugging. "Just don't be...threatening."
Stepping in first I saw the Old One cower back to the other side of the container. I held my hands up to him. "You were in England, so I hope you heard enough to understand. I'm not going to hurt you."
This Old One looked puzzled and sniffed the air.
"That's right. We are your grandchildren. You made us, so you can't feed on us." I said holding the bag up. "You can consume this." I held the port up. Opening it carefully and squeezed a little so the blood almost oozed, but the Old One could smell it. His nose directed his eyes to the bag. "That's right. Blood." I held it to him. "I'm giving it to you. Take it." I stepped closer only to feel Colin grab my shoulder and stop me. "He's just scared, Colin."
"I am, too." Colin nodded but let me go further. He followed me as we moved.
I looked at the Old One. "Colin's my protector." I smiled. "He's part of me, so..." I held the bag up to him again.
The Old One reached out and snatched the bag away and began feeding greedily.
I held up a second bag. "There are others like you here. They consume two bags, so I brought the other one."
Like Gizmo, the only real sound he ever heard was a scream from his victims. Conversations perhaps he'd hear while hunting and two or more targets were being stalked. He looked puzzled at me. They knew how to communicate emotions well in those expressions. Iustina and Repetate had been with Vlad for decades, so they were used to other people and conversations, but this one? I don't think he could get used to them.
"I know you're scared," I said quietly to him. I put my hand on my chest. "I'm Devon." I pulled Colin up beside me, who was practically against me now. "This is my husband Colin." I was telling him, but I was sure I'd make as much sense to him as speaking Mandarin Chinese would be for me. Like the other Old Ones, I hoped with tone and maybe something else he would understand. "What are we going to call you?"
"Call him Ralph! Who cares?" Colin blurted a little exasperated. "He needs to be in a cell."
I turned to Colin. "How are we planning to do that?" I asked. "Some of those long poles with ropes at the end to keep them from biting or getting away?" I shook my head. "He's got to trust us. That won't do it."
Colin nodded but looked at me closer. "He is a killer, Devon." He held his hand up. "I know. He is what he was made to be, it's not his fault, but still,...we may have to use force."
I nodded. "Can I at least try?" I asked Colin. "I know what he is." I looked at this Old One. "He just named you Ralph." I grinned at our new Old One. "Colin," I said touching Colin. "Devon." I pointed at the Old One. "Ralph."
Colin rolled his eyes. "I didn't mean..."
"No. He's Ralph." I chuckled and again Ralph looked puzzled. What sound was I making and why? "It's not a bad name." I cocked my head looking at Ralph. "He does sort of look like a Ralph." I sat down on the floor of the container with the other bag and pulled Colin down as he went to sit beside me. "We'll be less confrontational down low."
"Oh," Colin said settling down.
I suddenly sat up knowing what we should do. "Take everyone that isn't a vampire from the roof," I said quickly. "No humans on Disflavor either. We shouldn't take chances."
Colin nodded. "Okay. Because you're going to...what?"
"Bring Repetate and Iustina up here," I said. "Have a guard at any exit from the roof, but seeing those two will help."
"All three could run off!"
I shook my head. "I don't think so. When Ralph sees he's not the only one, he will also see them come up with you." I turned to grin at him. "Or maybe Vlad should bring them up. Repetate and Iustina love him." I saw his eyebrows rise. "They like you..." I assured, "they love Vlad."
Colin nodded and turned. "Everyone not a vampire leaves the roof. Can someone locate Vlad? Clear the corridors from Repetate's and Iustina's cell and have him bring them up here?"
It took about half an hour to get the things done we needed. Ralph was watching us carefully, but he finished the bag of blood, and I handed him the second. This time, he didn't snatch it, but simply took it. The first bag was beginning to work. His hunger was being satiated and whatever was in it to calm him was working, too.
As we sat Colin scooted closer behind me, his arms came around me. It was a habit. "We don't have to call him Ralph." He said softly with a chuckle to me in my ear. "It was the first name I could think of." He said kissing me behind the ear. I, of course, didn't mind he did it...I liked his little touches and the kiss. What I noticed was Ralph's reaction. He lowered, sat down, and moved kind of closer to see what we were doing better.
I nodded. "I know he's never even seen much affection...probably at a distance done by others he hunted." I said smiling back at Colin. I held up my two hands with a single finger raised on each. "Colin," I said with my right finger touching Colin. "Devon." I touched myself. "We are married," I explained. "We're together." I demonstrated by bringing the two fingers together. I smiled as I followed Ralph's eyes as they tried to work out what I meant. "We are friends."
Colin chuckled. "We're a bit more..."
"Colin," I said softly still smiling at Ralph. "He's going to understand the different kinds of friendships!? I'm trying to get him to understand friendship first." I put my hands over Colin's arms and brought them closer. "I like him to touch me. Colin touches me because he loves me." I watched Ralph's eyes as he was listening. "I love him."
"Does he understand you?" Colin asked.
I shrugged. "He's been around a long time, he has to understand something. Repetate and Iustina understand me and Vlad. Vlad only speaks to them in Romanian, and I only speak in English." I said logically. Looking again at Ralph I smiled at him. "It's nice to be touched. It makes me smile."
This seemed baffling to Ralph. Was it the expressions on Colin's and my faces? Was the combination of touch and smile?
Then I heard Romanian being spoken...not having the translator, I had no idea what Vlad was saying, but his tone was saying assuring the two he was bringing to the container. Repetate and Iustina had ridden in one of these, so thought they might again. Vlad came in holding each of their hands as he brought them in. Ralph's expression you didn't need language. He stood up suddenly as his eyes grew, completely surprised. He knew what they were, and they knew what Ralph was and stepped back. Vlad stood firmly keeping Repetate and Iustina in place. I reached up hands in both of their directions. "Stop!" I stood up carefully. "This is Repetate." I touched Repetate. "This is Iustina...or earless in English." Again, with the names saying who we all were. Which they had no trouble following. "Ralph." I pointed at the new Old One.
"Ralph?" Vlad asked. "What sort of name is Ralph?"
"I had an Uncle named Ralph." Colin defended holding his hands up helplessly. "He was very nice, I liked him. When Devon asked, that's the one I thought of."
I nodded. "And it's a good one," I assured Colin with a kiss. "Now, see?" I reached out and took Repetate's hand, I took Iustina's hand...both took my hand with no problem but were still looking at Ralph with some mistrust. Who knows how long they’ve seen another of what they are? Repetate and Iustina became friends. "Friends touch. They're my friends." I said. I then went to Vlad. "He's my friend." I took Vlad's hand. "Will you be my friend?" I asked and held my hand out to Ralph. "Friend?" I asked again. "We won't hurt you. Will you come with us?"
Ralph looked at my hand. He still wasn't sure...we weren't targets, but there were others like him with them. I also saw his blink was getting longer. The sedative was working. If there was any socialization between them when their numbers were greater in the past, but all humans...even the Old Ones seemed to like when there are others. It was strange they would go back to that basic human need so easily. Ralph tentatively reached out slowly, seeing the smile that was on my face. I didn't want to rush him. Our fingers touched. Ralph wanted to, but was he safe to do this? The first touch didn't hurt, so he took a firmer grasp.
"Now, we'll gently guide him out the door," I said. "Slowly."
Not to prolong things, but once we got him out of the container and he saw the city lights beyond the roof, heard the many sounds...his nose began to twitch as he sniffed the air. I could only imagine what he was able to pick up. All those millions of bodies...the smells of the blood combined with exhaust fumes and other pollutants. But the distance kept him from trying to get away. I also noted that the sedative was working more. He stopped looking at the roof, the height we were. He was found in a mine. Most of his life was underground, the buildings were alien to him. Knowing the area he was from, and the progress man has made even in a few centuries...I wasn't sure how he would take this world. Then he slowly collapsed.
Colin shrugged. "We could have just waited for that."
I nodded. "Perhaps, but...we began to win a little trust. When he wakes up, he'll know us. This helped." I looked over at the others. "Can we get a stretcher or something?"
"On it," Alex said racing off to do just that.
Getting him in the room where Repetate and Iustina used, we laid him on the floor. Never had I seen Repetate or Iustina ever use a chair or sleep in a bed.
George and John came in the cell to see what was brought. George was now fascinated by this third Old One, doing a quick examination visually.
"You'll have more samples to go through now," I said to George. "Once he trusts us."
George nodded. "It will help." He sighed. "We should show our medical minds this new arrival." He stood up smiling. "Show them your magic." He suggested to me.
"I told you..." I shook my head.
"No," Vlad said coming over to me. "Remember what I said to you about when you asked me to teach you my abilities to persuade people?"
I nodded. "Through hypnosis."
"I told you, you had it already." Vlad grinned touching my shoulder. "Only, I said you use yours differently. Mine is to persuade. Yours is to calm and feel at ease...people will trust you first." He hugged me. "It's a powerful talent. It worked on me. It's worked on every vampire you've spoken to so far." He pointed to Ralph. "It will work on him."
I was really not prepared for this, but...maybe. "I'll begin in the morning."
"They are breaking up for the evening," George said bringing John close to himself. "We sort of...need to be together a while. Can we begin again in the morning?"
Colin chuckled. "That's great, George." He pulled me close to himself. "I could use some time with Devon."
Vlad chuckled. "And I have Gaius."
"Yay, us!" I chuckled.
Back in our apartment as Colin finished in the bathroom, he came back smiling. "I knew there was something special about you."
I smiled as I pulled the covers down. "I suppose. I convinced you to marry me."
Colin nodded. "You did wear down any defenses I had." He gave a shrugging nod. "It didn't take long. That seems like magic. No one affected me as you do." He said putting his arms around me and kissing me gently and tenderly.
"Not even Josiah?" I grinned.
"Who?" Colin asked.
"Don't dismiss him!" I said quickly. "He was a very important part of making you the man you are today," I said, not quite scolding. "Without him, you could have been that old Southern slave owner who saw color as important. He taught you to see people as people."
Colin nodded. "I grant you that." I smiled. "However, as years passed, I think I romanticized more than I should have. If he really loved me, would he have left me?" He kissed me again. "I know you won't. I know you love me."
I nodded letting my hands come up his back. "I know you won't leave me. I know you love me."
Colin chuckled. "Now, how about we show each other what we know?"
Colin and I went up to the place they gathered for more information on V5H and this whole vampire...mess. They gathered and talked about...whatever medical science people talk about together. They talked about findings made and how changing the chemical processing of the various ingredients that went into making the serum helped it work better. Mandarin again to me, but they were getting it. He even spoke about the trips we took and the people we met along the way. They got Dr. Hathaway and Dr. Peltran to video conference fielding questions on how they handled things there. Two more medical voices added more credibility.
"It sounds like Holms' Laboratories is already handling this crisis." The man from Texas said. "You talk of these groups...like you are all one big group." He was a hand talker, always gesturing.
George nodded. "We are one big group." He struggled with how to tell them something. "Before the serum...a vampire was restricted. Movements had to be planned so much in advance. The only thing concerning a vampire was to hunt, find blood and return to shelter before the sun rose. The serum allows more freedom, but there were forms of communication even before the serum. Mail. Telephones later, but the computer and the internet caught on and...I was surprised that there was a network, made up of vampires that have been around for a long while. There was a hierarchy of power they followed and there was a First Vampire in the United States. She was basically the Vampire Queen in the United States. Not all vampires are simple victims, some are not nice at all...just like with the rest of humanity. One of them...who is a dear friend of mine now," he grinned at me, "you know he is a vampire...it was Devon that said the name Holms' Laboratories was too clinical. He named the group the Vampire United Nations or just the VUN."
I shrugged as everyone looked at me. "Holms' Laboratories? Come on, I like names that have zing!" I smiled at George. "Holm's Laboratories just didn't have the zing." That caused George to laugh.
"So, why ask us for help?" The man asked. "It sounds like you're spreading just fine."
"Because of this expansion, we have found there are countless vampires out in the dark that we could not ever reach," George said. "Every culture on this planet has stories about vampires because every culture had or has vampires. Restrictions and permission to treat and help people need to be made and it will be impossible for any one group to handle the load." He looked at the man. "Could anybody? If we could, we would do it. We need help!"
The woman that had tried to win George over at first rose. "We? Not they or I, but we...you include yourself with them. I wondered how a document, written by you was presented twenty-five years ago." She shook her head. "You're a vampire." There were gasps of surprise from some others.
"Yes." Another stood, an older man in his fifties. "I thought you might be his son, but I spoke to a Dr. George Holm almost thirty years ago. I thought it was..." he shrugged, "inherited qualities or something. You sound the same." He shrugged. "I just knew I had to be mistaken."
Colin sat up straighter and took hold of my hand. "Oh, god." He said a little panicked. "They know."
I was looking at all the others assembled here. No one was scared or concerned, just wanted the truth.
"Yes." George bowed his head slightly and said quietly. "I am. I was born in 1896." He looked up as they spoke with each other.
The others were now standing alarmed. "You found the Fountain of Youth!" The guy from Texas swore, now excited about this discovery.
"NO!!!" Colin stood up quickly as he yelled angrily causing the Texan to back away. "That...is a LIE!" He pointed hard at the Texan. "It is no Fountain of Youth! Everyone you know, like or love will die!! You won't!"
"Not if they have this...venom and serum. Your husband is right here!" The Texan protested. "You're a billionaire! You'll be rich and forty forever!"
Colin began to move toward the man quickly, which I grabbed Colin's arm and held him back and I had to work at that.
"There's no guarantee for that," I said loudly to the Texan.
"I was in HELL for a hundred and fifty years!!!" Colin shouted angrily. "It is not a Fountain of Youth. Maybe, when George does his wonderful work and finds a way to reverse this...I don't know. If we miss the serum...I've gone through it many, many times...you have to start over...it hurts! You can't imagine the pain we go through. Like your heart is being ripped out of your body and the pain lasts for hours and hours! Fountain of Youth!? No! It is not!!" He was shaking he was so upset. "We do what we have to because we want a life! Devon has gone through this three times, I went through it many, many times to just see the sun!" Colin was now crying. He pointed at George. "So has he! I had my home destroyed, I thought I'd lost my family, everybody died! Yet, I was alive...but not really. Only until George perfected the serum to this point can we do this."
I came up behind Colin. "I'm here," I said to him. "We're here together. Calm down. They just don't know."
"Well, they need to know," Colin said wiping his face with his hands in irritation. "There are vampires out there that suffered much longer, and no one was there to help them. I'm going to, damn it. With or without their help. They won't be alone!"
The woman, named Bobbi, Dr. Roberta Cummings, nodded to Colin. "I see that." She said sadly and turned to George. "There are other vampires here."
George nodded. "Yes. Just like Colin, me and Devon."
"And me," John said coming up from the group. He smiled at George as he stood by George's side putting his arm around George. "We're getting married." He shrugged. "Our places are beside each other."
George smiled at John, kissing him. "Yes, it is." He looked up at the visiting doctors and scientists. "There are others here. There are others who are not vampires but know about us. You won't be able to tell them apart. For their safety, I am not telling you who they are."
I brought Colin closer embracing him as he gathered himself together again. Again, a vampire, even though not bothered by the sun anymore, knows the time of day...when the sun was setting just by feel. "The sun's going down. I need to get the blood ready for our three in there." I got Colin to look me in the eyes. "Are you okay?"
He nodded. He sniffed and did what a child does rubbing snot with the back of his hand, then reached in his pocket for his handkerchief. "Should have gotten that first. Did I get some on you?"
"Do you think I worry about bodily fluids on me from you?" I chuckled kissing him.
He chuckled shaking his head. "I guess not." He smiled at me. "Thank you, Baby." We walked out of the observation area in the hall. I saw the container with the bags of blood waiting. The four guards were getting ready to open the door.
The feeling was...I could almost see the sun in my head. The orangey-white ball touching the horizon, then half showing until it was down.
I heard the hiss of Ralph. I waved at the guards. "That's our cue!" I grinned at them.
They all smiled and one chuckled that turned the key. Getting the container, I walked in as soon as he opened the door. Followed by the ever-protecting Colin.
I was greeted by smiles from Repetate and Iustina, but the hiss from Ralph. Repetate and Iustina knew the craving was going to be met, so no urgency from them. Ralph would have to learn that.
"...and this is what we got last night." George's voice came over the speakers as he activated the window for them to see. "He is still very wary, but he will learn to trust Devon. Then us." I heard the gasps as they all saw Ralph.
I smiled at all of them, got the familiar rub from Iustina and Repetate. I said hello to them and handed them their bag of blood. I looked at Ralph. "You will get some every day here. I promise." He was not quite there, yet as he reached out, but watched to see what I would do as he took the bag. They communicated very well by expressions. You could see the not quite sure look, but what choice did he have? I had what he needed. "It's even been warmed for you. There's nothing in it to make you sleepy this time." I said as he opened the port and drank. "You need a bath, Ralph." I said lightly and watched his head cock slightly at that. "You probably have no idea what that is, but you'll find out."
"That's him!" I heard Wayne's voice say over the speakers.
We hadn't seen Wayne since Ralph had gotten here, but he'd come in to see if this was his sire. It was.
"Wayne! Stop!" I heard Amasis say urgently.
"Don't!" George said quickly and we heard footsteps hurry.
I turned as I heard pounding on the door of the cell. The cell was pretty soundproof, so I didn't know what was being said, but I knew Wayne was trying to get in. Then more sounds as someone struggled with the key in the lock and the door burst open and Wayne stormed in, causing Repetate and Iustina to crouch a little behind Colin. I was in front of Ralph, who was now looking at Wayne's face of rage. Amasis came in right behind Wayne grabbing him to stop Wayne.
"You stole my life!!" Wayne shouted at Ralph. "I had a wife! I had a child I didn't even know the name of or even if it was a boy or girl. You took everything I had!!" He struggled against Amasis who just held him from behind, his arms around Wayne as Amasis said things to Wayne to calm him down. It was Wayne's turn to be crying. "I will kill you!!"
I looked at Ralph whose face was confused, and he was scared. I don't think he could remember all his victims. There were too many, but Wayne was a vampire. He couldn't feed on Wayne. Ralph cowered behind me. I held my hands up to Wayne. "You can't," I said quietly to Wayne as he still struggled in Amasis' hold. "You know that."
"He made my life afterward Hell for fifty years!!" Wayne said to me. "For what!? I was a meal! I was nothing to him! My life didn't matter! I lived in a fog! A nightmare for fifty years, just so he could eat!? I want him DEAD!! Rip him apart slowly to suffer." The one last time struggled again more against Amasis who again didn't let go. "YOU FUCKING SON OF A BITCH!!! You destroyed me!!" Colin came over and began pushing Wayne back to the door as Amasis pulled. The door was opened, and he was taken out again to the hall.
I looked at Repetate and Iustina who had paused seeing Wayne angry, they knew him. "You know what's in here." I put the container down. "Make sure Ralph get some," I said putting the container down and walked out the door, too. They were still in the hall as Amasis was now hugging Wayne to him rocking him as Wayne sobbed speaking softly to Wayne as Colin put his hand on Wayne's back rubbing to soothe him. I walked over and spoke to the one ear I could see. "I am so sorry, Wayne."
"I was nothing to him," Wayne said but was crying less. "I lost so much because of him...for a meal."
I nodded. "That's what they did. We're trying to repair the damage. Nothing we do will undo what happened, but you're not alone."
Wayne pulled away a little from Amasis. "I know."
"You've got a great daughter, Katie." I reminded him. "A delightfully crazy son-in-law, Sean; three terrific grandchildren; Karen, Scott and that dynamo Kelly. Your life was destroyed, but it's not over. You have them."
"I will watch them all grow up, get old and die." Wayne said sadly. "That is just not right...this is Hell."
"Yes, it is not right." Amasis smiled softly. "I know the feeling of loss and it never gets easier. It will hurt a while, but it will get...more tolerable...with time."
Colin squeezed Amasis' shoulder. "He knows that better than any of us do."
Wayne nodded as Amasis let him go. His eyes were swollen, and his face's color was red, but he was calm now. He smiled at me. "Thanks, guys." He chuckled then hugged me hard. "Thank you, Devon."
I kissed him on the cheek near his ear. "I think that's why we say we're family. We feel it more. It's so important to have people you know and trust. We're all the same, we assure a little longevity."
Colin nodded. "That's right." Then he frowned as he mockingly scolded Wayne. "But no one else tells those people they are vampires! They now know of six."
Wayne nodded. "Yes, sorry, I just went...a little crazy."
I bumped my head against his. "Understandable. We love you, Wayne."
Wayne chuckled. "I know. I love you, too."
I grabbed Amasis and hugged him. "You, too. I love you."
Amasis nodded. "I know."
One of the guards came over. "I'm sorry, Colin, Devon...I didn't know what to do...Wayne is usually so calm and he was so angry...he's one of the lead guys...we follow orders..."
I smiled at him putting my hand on his arm. "It's not a problem. Don't worry about it. You did great as always."
Going back to the observation room, the visiting medical and science guests were a little hushed now. They'd heard what Wayne said, they saw Colin's reaction to what the Texan said.
"I think..." the Texan said slowly coming over to George, "you can count on our support from Houston Medical Center. We'll do all we can to protect those out there that have this."
"I agree." An Asian man said. "However, support from us is limited. Matilda Medical Centre. We will have to bring people of our government here. You will have to explain it again. Not all in my government are that...smart." He and a few others with him chuckled at that.
Colin nodded. "You know who these government people are. You know who you should bring this to their attention. We don't. There are some in China, I know without looking." Colin shrugged. "I never said it would be easy, but you see the problem now."
"Yes." They all agreed.
"Look." Bobbi pointed to the window. "I swear, they are communicating."
The large screen monitor came on and there were cartoons showing again, but Ralph didn't understand what he was seeing. Repetate got near Ralph and pointed to the screen. Iustina nodded and came closer to Ralph extending his hand to Ralph. He was clearly communicating it's alright, come sit with us. Ralph still watched the screen, but slowly took Iustina's hand and they sat down together and began watching.
"How are they doing that? Telepathy?" Bobbi asked.
"I don't think so," I said to her. "I can communicate with Colin. He and I don't say a word. I know him. I read him. Facial expression, stance, and demeanor. These creatures have been around so long, reading others is...they can read the slightest variation. The vampire that had them spoke only Romanian. I speak only English. They understood both of us, maybe they see things we would miss. They communicate with me just fine. I understand what they want and need."
"How could we miss them?" Another woman asked. "They were here for thousands of years! Yet suddenly I'm seeing a whole new world!"
"Hiding in the dark." George nodded. "Only coming out at night and people just...were missing. Now, there are too many people to keep up with those missing.
The Texan said proudly. "We'll do this." The other scientists were nodding agreeing to help as well.
Colin and I smiled at George's look of complete relief. He no longer had to work alone.