I could tell Colin was now starting to understand better. He got quiet after Chuck had seemed to get a point across to him. We had a nice dinner and visit, but soon everyone went back to their apartments. We made plans to take everyone back to Charleston.
Coming out of our bathroom before bed, I found Colin sitting on the side of the bed just...thinking. "For most of my life..." he began quietly not looking at me, "all I had was pain and misery. I'd wake up hungry for blood. Most of the life I had before I was bitten...it's more like...a dream I can't really remember too well." He looked at me. "Am I not seeing these things clearly?"
This was going to be difficult to answer. "I think..." I began quietly, coming over slowly, "you had some very, very bad experiences for more than a century. I suppose you can't see it any other way." I sat by him, my arm coming around him, rubbing his back gently. "I brought that same subject up to you in the beginning. You shot that down so...quickly. I didn't dare to bring it up again."
Colin nodded sighing. "All I know is...if we don't have the serum, we become that thing again. I didn't want that for anyone." He looked at me. "Certainly not for you."
"I understand that," I said bringing him in closer and putting my head next to his gently. "You know anything can be abused. They created this venom to make soldiers...it took a few thousand years, but George found a way to take away the bad things the venom makes its victims. Now, like those guys in Germany, Morsi, and Hoffman? They wanted what Chuck was talking about. A near endless life with no bad parts. It will be misused."
Colin shook his head. "I just can't understand..." he inhaled running a hand through his hair in frustration. "All I remember was the horror I felt...fighting that nearly uncontrollable urge to feed..."
"But you don't have horror now." I reminded him. "Do you?"
He shook his head. "No." He held his arm up and touched his disk. "This is just...new for me."
"The suffering was horrible for you," I said softly. "My experience after being bitten was just a small fraction of what all of you had."
"There is always the possibility that something will go wrong, and we will be without the serum and be that vampire again." He shook his head. "I am always afraid of that."
I kissed him gently on the temple. "Soon, George will figure things out. We will return to being just people."
"Maybe," Colin admitted.
"We are all the same," I said. "There is a fear of death. Everyone is afraid for that reason. You suffered. Why? You could have done what Amasis' wives did."
Colin shrugged. "Maybe we should." He said almost too quiet to hear.
I wasn't surprised to hear that but sad that he felt that way in any way. "You don't believe that. Do you want to die? Do you want me to?"
"No but is natural...all living things die." Colin said immediately, but softer. "I guess I just couldn't see it."
"We're heading into dangerous times," I said moving us further up the bed. "Right now, we are fine," I said pulling his side of the bed down and easing him in gently.
"I never wanted that for you."
I nodded kissing him gently. "I know."
He reached up pulling me down to him gently. "Make love to me." He said softly.
I smiled kissing him increasing the pressure as it became more consuming. "We don't do anything less. I'm happy to, Colin. I love you." I lay next to him as his arms wrapped around me more.
"I know. I love you."
"Yes." I nodded kissing him. "You do."
We went to the lab the next morning and told William Canaday what the plans were.
The Navy doctor looked at us surprised. More than surprising, he was not liking this at all. "You can't go!" He waved back at the lab. "We've got work to do!"
"We can't?" Colin frowned. "Why can't we go?"
The Commander shook his head. "We have a serious problem here." He claimed. "This vampire thing is dangerous!"
"Yes, it is dangerous." Colin chuckled. "We've had the problem for a long time, Bill. You just found out about it. A week or two away isn't going to make much difference." He put a friendly hand on the Commander's shoulder shaking him slightly. "This was why we didn't want this under government control. We are still free."
"It was made aware to the government, but there are no restrictions to be given," I added.
"But you and Colin can't leave!" Bill protested. "You and he...George and John are vampires. There are two others, I was told..."
Colin shook his head chuckling. "There are a lot more than that."
"In the world," Bill nodded, "but..."
"There are more than those six you know of here, Bill," Colin said smiling tolerantly.
I shook my head. "You can't tell. We mean for it to remain that way."
"There is?" The Commander asked. "Who?"
Colin nodded again. "You pass several here but can't tell who they are."
"Except for a few decades that pass...you go grey or bald and they remain the same." I grinned.
"You're taking Nicolae? The vampire's son!?" Bill asked. "He's needed..."
"He's going, too," I said simply. "The situation we face is important but can wait until after the holidays. Colin is right. You just found out about it. It's been around a few thousand years. It's not going to be solved in the next few days."
"It's a free country. We're going." Colin said and we began to walk out when Colin turned back to the Navy doctor. "Unless the President calls a stop to it and another agency forces us to remain...which if they do, we will resist with equal force."
"And many of us here have experience from many wars having lives that span several centuries. Not to mention vampires are expert predators," I said, "our forces will not be pushovers."
Colin nodded. "We allowed the three of you access because we need help. You are a liaison to the President, keeping him informed. There are many countries' governments involved with this now. With these combined countries and minds, perhaps we can go farther and faster...the other countries involved will not let this one country control this." Colin grinned. "We won't let ourselves be controlled."
"Relax," I said smiling at the Commander. "Enjoy the holiday. Spend time with family...or work...it will still be here when we get back." I took Colin's hand. "Now, to tell the boys."
We entered the room where the Old Ones were and were greeted by happy smiles from all three.
"Hi, Devon!" Iustina said and signed. The translator's sophisticated mechanized voice said, even mimicked a happy tone.
"Hi, Iustina!" I hugged him and gave the kiss as usual. The same for Repetate and Ralph. "I need for you three to listen, okay?"
"Yes," Repetate said and touched the translator that hung on the strap around his neck. "Like this." He said. "You understand."
I chuckled. "Who likes this?" I touched the translator, always trying to get them to speak clearly. Learning to think in a language was hard...especially since they never had one before. I think. They lived a long time, maybe it wouldn't be as hard for them.
Repetate...and I'm not kidding...rolled his eyes. A very human thing to do. "I...like this." He touched the translator again.
I nodded with a smile. "Talking is difficult, but you guys are doing well. I need to tell you..." I said taking Colin's hand. "Colin, Vlad and others...we are going to be gone for a while."
Ralph looked disappointed. "How many sunsets?"
The thing was...numbers meant something to everyone...time was determined by days. The concept of weeks, months, and years we hadn't dealt with much. Numbers weren't difficult. "We should be back in twenty sunsets," I said holding up both hands with my fingers spread. "My hands with all fingers and your hands and all your fingers, Ralph, of sunsets."
"You come back?" Ralph asked and the translator even sounded a little worried.
"We will come back," I smiled and hugged him. "It's just something we have to do." I hugged them again quickly. "I've got some new cartoons to see. They are funny. Just let Amanda know if you like them. Of course, you have the Tom and Jerry you've seen, that's available as well as Bugs Bunny."
We were going back to our apartment and Colin looked back at the way we came toward the door that was guarded.
"They seem to be okay here." Colin mused.
I nodded. "Their needs are met." I shrugged. "The blood is delivered. No hunting needed. They are out of the sunrise and...they have a near endless supply of cartoons. What more could they need?"
"I look forward to when they can..." he thought, "articulate things in the past. They lived so long. They seem to like each other and get along."
"We can speculate, but..." I said. "We don't know how this...whatever they put in the water supply...worked. We can't assume every birth in those villages was like them. We can't assume anything. It could have taken a hundred years or more for this formula to work on an occasional couple. Both the mother and the father had to be given this formula. Travelers through could meet and not be on the formula and it wouldn't work if they married into the village. I don't believe they were born in the same year or even decade. Was it a small village? How many people lived there in their birthing years?"
Colin shook his head. "I hadn't thought of that."
"They socialize because that's what humans do," I stated simply. "We are not targets for them. They love to be with others that aren't on the menu." I sighed. "They are dangerous, I know. I just don't see them the same as I did."
Mark and Stan were going to Mark's home for Christmas but coming to Charleston before New Year's. Amasis and Wayne had flown to Scotland to be with Wayne's daughter, Wayne's son-in-law and grandchildren. Shelly and Amir had gone to Shelly's sister's home and Chuck had gone to see his family. We flew to Charleston, taking the plane for Holm's Laboratories. I watched as Vlad and Gaius handled our trip by helicopter to the small airport a little wary but handled the takeoff of the plane better than the first time.
Robert, our Houseman, opened the door for us with a grin. "Who let you strangers through the gate?"
Colin grinned back and shoved him back lightly. "Yes, we have been gone a while. We missed you, too."
The caravan of vehicles was unloaded...and I mean a caravan. Even with Mom and Willie going to their house, Gabriella, and Alex to theirs...we had George, Burke, Vlad, Gaius, Nicolae, Helga and three children with us...and their luggage! Three vans to carry them all!
Helga looked as she entered the great, round foyer and up at the high ceiling. "Dumnezeule! Acest lucru este imens!" She said in Romanian.
Not using the translator, I only got the "huge" part of what she said.
"There's a room for everyone," Colin announced to them all. He looked at Nicolae and Helga. "There are two bedrooms upstairs you can use." He shrugged. "There is one that's kind of rose-colored with flowers on the wallpaper you might like." Then looked to Vlad and Gaius. "There is a blue one if you like across the hall." He shrugged. "It was my daughter's room. Blue. Men..."
Vlad chuckled. "Anything is got to be better than a slab in a cave. We'll be fine."
Nicolae, Helga, and the children had been gaping since we arrived through the gate at the grounds. Jan didn't hold back as he walked in more standing next to me at the base of the stairs as his eyes tried to take it all in. "Wow." He said nearly silently and stretched the word out. No translator needed for that.
"Wow?" I nodded with a chuckle. "I agree."
"Do I ask if you need your Death Wish coffee?" Robert chuckled to Colin who gave him a look. "I take that look to mean no, I'll get them for you and Devon." He looked at everyone else. "I have plenty, though Mr. Colin's is a bit strong. I have regular coffee for anyone else." He smiled at the children. "Sodas and other drinks also."
I grinned at the many decorations that were hung for Christmas. The tree in the foyer and garland were strewn nicely. Red ribbons at points where the garland looked tied to the wall. Festive. Glass hurricane covered red candles on the various tables, the poinsettias in arrangements on the tables in the foyer and other places. "You did great, Robert. I missed putting them up this year."
He shrugged pausing as he was going to get the coffees. "You had it laid out last year. All I did was put them in the same places but thank you." Then he grinned a bit evil. "You can always help take them down." He said as he walked away.
Rica was happy he had his own room after having shared one with Jan most of his life. The children were thrilled to be able to go outside...with caution, they had to stay within the walls of Wentworth protected grounds. There were acres of land to explore. The weather in Charleston was not bad, cool at about seventy-two in Fahrenheit, but not the frosty weather in Romania or Manhattan; and the pool was heated so we told them they could do that. Robert had the forethought of turning the pool's heater on three days earlier knowing we were coming, and children would be here then.
The night of our Christmas party, Vlad came down the grand staircase to the foyer. The century of his birth you could not see by appearance. He was a man. A good-looking man in a formal tuxedo which we all wore. He came down as people were getting things ready to serve for our few guests when they arrived. He pulled on his red bow tie standing near me.
"I feel..." he grimaced, "foarte incomod." He muttered.
I chuckled at him. "Since I don't have a translator on me...what does that mean?"
"Very uncomfortable," Vlad grumbled the translation.
"You look great!" I said and looked behind him. "Where is Gaius?"
Vlad thumbed behind himself and laughed. "He's up there struggling with his...cravata."
That I didn't need the translator to understand tie or necktie. "You could have helped him with it," I said simply.
"Oh, no." Vlad shook his head chuckling a little meanly. "I had to put mine on...he has to put his own on."
When the doorbell rang while Vlad and I were talking, I went to answer it. It was Colin's and my party; I was one of the hosts. No one was arriving that couldn't get in our gate and security. Opening the door, I saw Mitch, Sasha, David, and a young man built like Sasha, but had blond hair. He was in his early twenties with a young brunette woman. All were dressed formally. We had asked them to come earlier than others because of...
"Hello, Mitch!" I greeted my doppelganger. "It's good to see you, my friend!" I hugged the man but noticed the eyes grow on the young man with them as he just...stared. "Yes, I know. Mitch and I look alike."
"I know, I saw it last year," Alik said shaking his head. "It's just so...uncanny."
David nudged the young woman with them. "Just wait until you meet his husband. You will see Tony and Mitch. That will really blow your mind."
I greeted David and Sasha. Sasha pulled the young man forward. "You know my son, Alik Lebedev." His hand brought the young woman forward. "And the lovely lady is his fiancé, Brenda Duncan."
She was a pretty girl. Dark hair and holding her fiancé’s hand and that grip tightened as she was staring at me slack-jawed. "You two could be twins!" She said dumbfounded pointing at Mitch.
Alik chuckled and leaned toward Mitch. "Minus the grey hair, Uncle Mitch."
"Runt," Mitch grumbled.
"Sorry, I was just..." I heard Colin say as he was hurrying to our guests to greet them.
"Jesus!!" Brenda blurted now looking at Colin. "He looks like your Uncle Tony!" He told everyone. "I mean exactly like Uncle Tony I saw the pictures of."
Mitch nodded with a grin. "With a lighter complexion, but yes he does."
Bringing them inside as Gaius came down beside Vlad having won his struggle to get the tie on. The same thing happened. Vlad was looking very confused.
"You two are relatives?" Vlad asked pointing at Mitch.
I shook my head. "Not that we know of." I waved at Vlad. "Everyone, this is Vlad Dragon and his fiancé Gaius Dragon," I explained the name part for immigration purposes.
Gaius shook his head. "There is almost..." he said looking intently at both Mitch and myself, "no difference between you."
Mitch smiled. "I take that as a compliment." Then he pointed to his eyes. "I think you'll see I'm older than he is."
Again, there were shocks when introducing them to Helga, Nicolae, Rica, Gina, and Jan. We had a few other shocks when Jan had been introduced as Nicolae's son and then called Gaius grandpa.
Mitch nodded taking a glass of champagne from a tray a young woman carried for everyone. "He's one of you, too. Isn't he?" He said to me in a near whisper.
"Yes, he is," I answered quietly. "Does anyone else know?" I pointed at his family.
Mitch shook his head. "How do I explain? You might have to now."
The surprise of Mitch and my looking so alike went on for a while. Once this novelty was done, things settled into a very pleasant evening. Conversations flowed easily. It was only a few moments later when Mitch approached me. "I'm just asking." He said cautiously. "These new people here..." he pointed at Vlad, Gaius, Nicolae, Helga and Gaius's grandchildren. "Are all these people like you? Or Amasis?"
Why lie? I hadn't before and Mitch had been more than okay with it. "Some are." I nodded. "But not all." I waved to Gaius as he was hugging Gina as Vlad was saying something to Rica and Jan making them laugh. "They are here because of it."
Mitch nodded. "Okay." He said simply.
I looked surprised at Mitch, not understanding how he just accepted what I told him. "You really don't have a problem with any of this."
Mitch grinned and shook his head. "I said it before, and I say it again. This is so...way out there!" He chuckled. "It can't be made up; therefore it must be true." He patted my cheek lightly. "Besides, you have a trustworthy face." He chuckled again and went to speak with his cousins.
I looked at everyone enjoying this time together. New friends as well as old friends...not because of how old they were, but the time we'd spent together. All brought together because of the venom. Yet, the human spirit was overcoming that wrinkle as well. I felt arms come around me I knew well.
"Things are coming together nicely." Colin rumbled in my ear softly.
I nodded slightly putting my hands on his arms to pull them even tighter around me. "This is a world I never imagined was possible or be a part of." I chuckled. "Much better than ever dreamed of."
"A nightmare that was made pleasant." Colin sighed.
Turning to face him. "Yes, for you and the others. I know. Not for me." I touched his face gently.
Colin bent his head slightly toward me, rubbing his forehead gently against mine. "I am starting to understand that more." He said kissing me tenderly. "I know the potential to misuse this. We'll be getting ready."
"I know we are."
The party, as with anything came to an end and we all parted with the usual promises to keep in touch. We had to, we were partners in business, and we shared awareness of what Colin and I, along with the others and what they really were.
Christmas morning came with Jan and Gina were...children! Excited! The noise level at Wentworth rose as was expected. Colin and I joined Nicolae, Helga, Gaius, and Vlad as the children ravaged what was under the tree...with Colin's Death Wish coffee, of course. The adults did not really exchange gifts. My gift was Colin. I didn't want anything else. George and John came from the guest house they stayed in and that noise level reminded them of the joy of the holiday.
It was during those days between Christmas and New Year's while going down the corridor at Wentworth my phone went off. Vibrating briefly to let me know someone was emailing me. Pulling it out of my pocket I looked quickly at the screen. Seeing it was from Edwin requesting a video call at sundown in England on a matter of something "rather of importance." I looked at the clock on my cellphone android and calculated. That was going to be in a few hours as it was just about noon now. I quickly typed my reply asking if 3:30 pm for us...8: 30 pm for them was alright. I received "fine." Going to the office we used here where Colin who was again on the computer...business never takes a vacation.
"Edwin wants us to make a video call to him at 3:30 to them," I told Colin as I walked in behind him.
Colin turned puzzled. "Sure. I wonder why he didn't just call?" He waved at the computer screen. "I'm online now."
I shrugged. "A matter he said was a matter that was of rather of importance." I slipped into Edwin's accent on the last three words.
Colin's right eyebrow rose slightly. "Wow, that even sounded like Edwin."
I chuckled. "Between Edwin, Wayne and all those weeks spent in England, the accent was easy to pick up." I shrugged.
Colin smiled with a nod and laugh. "For you? Yes."
At 3:15, Colin and I got our coffees and were preparing for the call when George and John walked in the office.
"Hi, George, John." Colin greeted our friends. "We were just about to call Edwin."
George nodded. "He asked me to sit in on it. He said it was kind of important."
I nodded. "I believe he said it was a matter of rather importance."
George smiled. "You got it, too." He looked at Colin who sipped his coffee. "Did you leave any coffee for anyone else?"
Colin rolled his eyes. "A little. You have just enough time to get a cup for you and John." Then he shrugged. "Or we can just make more."
At 3:30 pm precisely, Colin made the connection using Buddy. It didn't even take a second before Edwin's happy face appeared. "Hello! Good, you're all here."
"Hello." Colin greeted looking behind Edwin as Matt sat beside him and waved at us. "You said it was important. Yes, if you just meant the four of us, we're here. How are things in the VUN in England?"
Edwin smiled. "Very good." He nodded. "In fact, Dr. Hathaway is looking to have a medical office in London. Sort of an extension of what we have at Thornwood for those in and around London."
I knew there were others, and she was busy. "Is she going to head that up? She's with MI5."
"We were looking at some medical minds to add there as they would be local," Edwin said. "That was the idea. Sarah and Matt have increased the patrols and more teams have been covering parts away from around Thornwood and Northern England." He looked over to the side where we could not see. "We thought we found such a mind, but...he insisted he talk to you, George, first." He got up and motioned to the chair he had been in. "If you would, please, doctor."
A man...he was a vampire, but in treatment as in, he was looking more human. There was color in his face and moisture in his dark eyes, but not quite there yet. He was nice looking and somewhere in his mid-forties with dark hair. He looked puzzled at the computer screen. He pointed to it. "I just talk?"
"Yes," Edwin's voice said. "Colin, Devon, George, and John, this is Dr. Kevin Baxter. We discovered him, along with a few others in London. He's got a few more days of treatment, but soon will be on the disc."
The doctor smiled and looked around the screen, more at the computer as if he tried to figure out how it worked. "This is amazing." He looked at what he saw on his screen. "Forgive me, but this technology is still new for me. The most I ever saw was the tele when we got one down below in 1981. I knew there were marvels..." His accent was...aristocratic. He was educated and articulate. His accent was different than Edwin's or Wayne's, but clearly British. "Remarkable." He looked at the images he saw. "If you don't mind, let me know who is whom?"
Colin nodded. "I'm Colin Wentworth." He raised his hand and put his hand in mine. "This is Devon Wentworth, my husband." He held his hand out to George on the other side of me. "This is Dr. George Holm and his fiancé, John Burke on the end."
The doctor's face grew a smile hearing that. "Really?"
I didn't sense disgust, but he seemed happy we said that. "You know it's legal for us to marry now?"
Dr. Baxter nodded. "I heard, but...I knew some here that were talking about it in England..."
"Is that a problem, Doctor? Who we are or that we are married, and George and John are getting married?" I asked.
He shook his head. "No! No problem at all."
"Blimey! We're all King Lear `ere!" The accent I heard was a very different, deep-voiced but clearly, a British accent said, but thicker. The annunciation was different.
"Yes, Ellis," Dr. Baxter rolled his eyes. "That is the voice of..." he hesitated, "my devoted...companion for the past century." He looked off screen for us and motioned to someone to come toward him.
"Companion is it?" The voice repeated dourly, and a man slipped into the chair Matt had sat in. Dark hair I could see was either dark brown or black. He was handsome, too. By their structure and what I saw on the screen of the two men seated, Dr. Baxter was shorter than this other man who was a little leaner in the face. He was maybe five years younger in appearance than Dr. Baxter. I have learned not to judge appearances anymore. "Yeh, we're just mates." He gave Dr. Baxter a light punch in the arm as someone did as chums. The newer man waved at us on the screen. "Everyone around us is ginger beer!" The accent was thick, but charming to me and flowed naturally from this man. I couldn't help but smile at him. They were vampires, but very comfortable with each other and Ellis...in spite of what he had become, was a very happy man!
Dr. Baxter nodded patting this new man on the arm. "This is my friend, Ellis Thomas."
Colin's, George's, and John's confusion here were evident. The new man's accent was different, and you missed things if you didn't listen.
"He means to say, we are all apparently...in homosexual relationships." Dr. Baxter confessed hesitantly. "Which I find...curious."
George nodded and smiled. "It's not really curious or odd. There is an explanation."
The new doctor nodded. "Because this venom changes us." He said, not as a question, but something he had suspected before. If they were just receiving treatment, he wouldn't have known about the venom until recently. Even if he heard about it over the computer or in communications by us with VUN. He said it to confirm what he already thought about something he knew about.
"That's right," George confirmed. "I can give you a more complete explanation on the psychology and adjustments when seeking companionship, but you said that as if you knew about the venom and effects before."
Dr. Baxter nodded. "My observation was leading me to that conclusion."
"You are a doctor of medicine," George said to confirm.
"I was." Dr. Baxter said sadly. "Before this venom."
"'e was the best doctor in London," Ellis said proudly.
"Thank you, Ellis." Dr. Baxter said taking and squeezing Ellis' hand. They were from the same city, were the same race but as different as night and day! Dr. Baxter was just as devoted to Ellis as he claimed Ellis was to him.
"Yes," George was getting excited a little, not about Ellis and Dr. Baxter, but Dr. Baxter's knowledge and understanding of the venom. "You've seen the venom? You knew of it before."
Dr. Baxter nodded. "I discovered what it was back in 1910." He said. "The problem I had was keeping it around long enough to see it. It decayed so quickly." He said frustrated.
I looked at George who was leaning in closer to the screen. I knew someone else could have reached the same results. George was now enthralled with this new doctor.
"I was a physician for almost twenty-five to thirty years before I was bitten." Dr. Baxter said. "That was in 1890." He looked at Ellis. "We were bitten the same night when that creature invaded my home. I tried to keep up with it, but science has progressed, and I didn't have the equipment or knowledge to do much. I studied the effects for decades."
George smiled now bigger. "Of course, but you tried!" He shook his head. "You understand how the venom works? You've seen it under a microscope and know it's makeup?"
Dr. Baxter nodded. "His and mine mostly, but certainly I do. That's why I was anxious to speak with you, Dr. Holms." Dr. Baxter said. "I would love to pursue this in more depth with you."
Forget about us. Colin, John, and I were being...not quite...moved to the side as George was moving closer to the screen. "Please! I would love that!"
"I am not up with a lot of the technology, but I am a quick study." Dr. Baxter assured. "This serum you came up with...it's quite effective."
"It bloody `urt!" Ellis rubbed his chest.
I was smiling at Ellis in spite of the fact they didn't understand all of what he said. I did! "It does hurt." I said more to confirm my understanding with him.
"'ell, ya, it `urt!" Ellis claimed again. "I nearly pissed meself!"
Colin grinned at me, more about my reaction than what Ellis was saying. "You understand him?" He asked me.
I nodded. "Sure, I do!"
Dr. Baxter put a tolerant smile on his face and squeezed Ellis' hand tighter. "Ellis, you must remember...not everyone understands your...unusual colorful communication. It's fine, just slow down." He looked at us. "He really does speak proper English. He just slips when he is angry or excited. It's a compliment to you that he's comfortable enough to be himself."
Colin moved closer to my ear. "I wonder if the Delkenzie Program will work with him." He chuckled.
I shook my head without looking at Colin. "Why? I understand him perfectly!" I grinned at Ellis.
Ellis smiled and waved again at his screen. "See? `e understands!"
"It's Cockney!" I said happily.
"You understand Cockney but didn't know about faggots." Colin grinned,
"Ooh, faggots...I remember those!" Ellis' eyes grew as he grinned and literally licked his lips. "I vaguely remember the taste.
"They can make them at Thornwood! Nettie made them for us." I smiled at Ellis' growing smile. I looked at Colin. "Though they are the only ones I've had. Though your first meal or two shouldn't be too tough or spicy. You will have a case of the nicker bits."
Ellis' eyebrows rose as his smile spread over his face. He leaned in toward Kevin and nudged him forward a little, "See!? `e understands me dicky birds!!"
"What?" Colin asked me.
I chuckled and said in a near whisper, "Nicker bits is diarrhea and dicky bird is for words."
Colin nodded, "Oh." He looked at the screen. "We'll have them again, I promise." Colin shook his head. "You understood him? I just got a word or two. His accent was so thick!"
"Sure," I nodded. "You have to switch gears in your head and just listen. You also have to remember; I watch a lot of TV and I loved a lot of BBC programs and many shows that featured this...unique language. I did at Thornwood and watched other shows before. What he's using is very light, I've heard some that were harder. He is speaking English." I looked back at Ellis. "What part of the East End did you live in?"
"Near what's now West Ham Park," Ellis said sadly. "A lot it was destroyed during the Second World War and the blitz."
"I understood that." George said. "It really isn't fair though. Devon can communicate with everyone." George said confidently. "What day is this for you, Dr. Baxter? I'd say you completed day two from your pallor."
"Yes, we are entering day three." Dr. Baxter said rubbing his own chest remembering the pain.
George smiled hearing that. "You get to eat!" He said happily. "I would love to work with you, Doctor. Get finished with the serum, have those disks put in and we'll fly you here!"
"Please, call me Kev." The doctor smiled. "If it's alright, I can call you George?" He asked politely.
"Ha', don't forget me!" Ellis said to everyone but looked at Kev when he said it. "You're daft if you think of tottering off to the States without me!"
Kev smiled again to us and had a look of tolerance he's developed with Ellis. "I wouldn't dream of it." He assured Ellis. He looked back at the screen. "We have another few days to take the serum."
"I can send what I have so far to you," George said. "If you want to look at it."
Kev looked puzzled. "Okay, how are you doing that exactly?"
George smiled. "There have been some advances in technology. One of those things is a recording of the venom. A recorded image of the venom, it's the reaction to the serum. You won't need a microscope. You'll be able to see it on the screen you're looking at now."
"Really?" Kev said again in amazement. "I can't wait to see it!" He looked toward Edwin. "Will you let me see it here?"
"Most certainly. I'll show you what to do to pull it up." Edwin's voice replied. "We need to start tonight's dose."
"Well, we will talk again tomorrow," Kev said smiling. "I look forward to speaking with each of you again."
Ellis grimaced. "Catch ya later." He winked at us.
"One thing," I said smiling at them. "Before you even think of eating faggots again, when you do eat...you will have to worry about..." I smiled at Ellis, "forgive me, I wasn't kidding. I know just some of Cockney Rhyming Slang. I will use some of it wrong but watch for tom tit."
Ellis grinned grandly at my usage and Kev's eyebrows rose. I even heard Matt chuckle in the background. He was raised in London a while and probably knew what it meant. Edwin wouldn't have been exposed before he was bitten and hadn't been back in the world to learn it.
Matt's face came into view. "We'll make you into an Englishman yet! You're well on the way."
"I look forward to speaking to all of you again," Kev said sitting back.
Edwin's face came into view. "We'll be in touch."
"Cheerio!" I said to them making Ellis and Kev chuckle.
Once the screen went blank. I looked at Colin, George, and John.
"What!?" John finally said in exasperation. "I didn't understand but a word or two from that Ellis guy. King Lear? I know what ginger beer is as a drink..." he shook his head. "Tom tit? That was not English!"
"Yes, it was. I'd say the length of time he's been with Kev, he learned how to tone it down." I chuckled. "Some of what he used was Cockney Rhyming Slang. There was a show I loved that had a lot in it. I had to look it up. I don't remember it all, but..." I explained as they looked with disbelief. "I'm not kidding, I watched several shows that had it on the show." I waved at the screen. "I don't have it all...not by a long shot. King Lear is queer. So is ginger beer. Tom tit is...well...shit. Nicker bits is diarrhea!" I sat back shaking my head. "I half expected to hear that song Chim Chim Chimeny from Mary Poppins!" I grinned even more as I made a realization. "Actually, the time frame for Ellis and Kev is about the same time that movie Mary Poppins was set in the turn of the century." I smiled at all their blank faces. "Sorry, I forgot. You were all before that time. I grew up knowing Mary Poppins and other movies." I remembered when they were bitten. "That's a movie, Mary Poppins and the turn of the century is the 19th to the 20th century in London." I grinned. "I wonder if shaking Ellis' hand means good luck?"
Colin was just mystified. "What!?"
I brought him for a kiss. "It's okay, you probably didn't see children's or family movies. Shaking hands with a chimney sweep is supposed to be good luck." I said simply. "I bet he's done it. I'll get the movie and show it to you."
Colin shook his head again. "And you don't think you have a gift!?" He leaned in kissing me as I was about to reply. "No! You do! You understood Repetate, Iustina, and Ralph before the translator was added. You understood that guy." Then he shook his finger at me almost scolding like a parent. "Now, you're viewing habits...when did you study!?" He looked frustrated. "You're smart, you went to school, but when did you have the time to watch all that?"
"It was relaxing." I grinned. "Do I mention My Fair Lady? That was the name of another movie, not the show on Broadway. I was getting that feel with Kev and Ellis, too."
George shook his head. "From them?" He asked. "I saw the movie, but..."
"Rex Harrison and Audrey Hepburn," I gave a grudging nod. "Well, clearly Dr. Baxter is Rex Harrison, there is no Audrey Hepburn except for the Cockney part, but that was what I got."
George was now smiling more. "I think Dr. Kevin Baxter will be very helpful in helping me discover more about the venom and serum."
"He has a lot of catch-up learning to do." John reminded George.
George nodded. "A cell is a cell. It just is. Dr. Baxter seemed smart enough." He smiled more. "It will be easier getting him up to speed than any of the others." He leaned in grabbing John's head, bringing him in for a happy, loving kiss. "I'm excited about this!"
We celebrated New Year's Eve together as a family, but it was time to go back to New York and the VUN. George was speaking with Kev every day! Kev was sharing his observations he had before and what he'd observed in the digital clips George had sent through Buddy to see and study. Everyone was coming back to Manhattan about the same time. We arrived back at the VUN and sent the jet to England. We had a number of people to bring to New York from Charleston. There were only four coming from England, but we didn't think Kev or Ellis were ready for a commercial flight.
We were waiting for them to be brought to the VUN from the little, private airport we often used. Again, there were no passports for Kev or Ellis. Ruben Chance was working with Director Mattingly of MI5 to get those. This had to be handled in the way we had with Vlad and Gaius. I looked at John who was looking perfectly calm. He wasn't bothered at all even with George's reaction to Kev.
"No problems with Kev or Ellis?" I said quietly to John.
He looked at me puzzled and then smiled. "Oh, well...that before when I jealous was different." He waved at George who was very anxious for Dr. Kevin Baxter and Ellis Thomas to arrive. "With those others, there were a few I worried about. One, in particular, that became fixated and was unattached and clearly looking to get George." He shrugged and looked at George. "Not that I blame her, he's gorgeous. He'd make very smart and very beautiful children." He said sighing contently as he looked at George. "If he has an affair with anyone it would be with Dr. Baxter. An affair of the mind and around the venom. Besides, you saw how Dr. Baxter and Ellis were clearly together and have been for over a hundred years." He shook his head smiling at me. "No. There's no threat here."
We didn't wait outside on the roof. This was New York and winter. Even vampires got cold. When the elevator dinged, and the door opened we were greeted by some laughter from the four passengers.
The four looked...normal! Wayne was the first to look up and his smile instantly lit up.
"Welcome home." I greeted them.
"Dad!" Wayne teased coming quickly to hug me. Then he turned back. "I believe you've met Dr. Kevin Baxter and Ellis Thomas."
I smiled at them as I shook their hands and nodded. "By computer."
"Cor blimey!" Ellis said in near awe as he looked at the corridor, elevator, and surroundings. "Would ya look a' this."
They may have known there were these things but being a part of this new world was very new. Ellis was a bit overwhelmed by it all. I was right, Ellis was a good five to six inches taller than Kev. He was as tall as Colin but leaner. Colin had broader shoulders than Ellis and Colin was...bulkier? Kev and I were about the same height at five feet and nine or ten inches.
Kev saw Colin holding my hand and George and John were holding hands, so he took Ellis' hand and leaned closer to Ellis. "Remember what we talked about? Slow down and use proper English with our new friends as I know you can."
Ellis nodded absently as he waved Kev's caution off still looking around. "Yeh, yeh, I will."
Kev looked up and smiled but came straight to George. "Dr. Holms, it is a pleasure!"
Colin moved closer to me and muttered. "We're playing second fiddle here."
Kev was a vampire, and his hearing was just as with other vampires, very good. "I am sorry, gentlemen." He smiled as he came to Colin and me extending his hand to us. "It is a pleasure to meet you, of course."
I shook his hand. "It's understandable. Welcome to the VUN, New York."
Kev shook all our hands smiling. "I must say, seeing this world in the daylight...was a little eye-opening." He waved at the recessed lighting overhead. "So many new developments we knew of but have had limited exposure."
"Didn't you venture out at all during the past century?" Colin asked him.
Kev gave a slight nod. "When we could, but...we pretty much stayed down in the Tubes."
Colin nodded. "The Underground. I did, too. We call it the subway here, but the same thing."
George was glad Kev was now here, but he wanted to be careful. "Are you tired?"
"We're `ungry!" Ellis said simply. "Now that we're eatin' three squares again. I'm `ungry."
Kev smiled. "Remember to use the letter H, Ellis." He reminded as he probably did for many, many decades.
"I'm Hungry." Ellis overstated the H sound toward us but mostly directed at Kev.
"My, god!" I grinned at him. "You are Eliza Doolittle!"
Ellis frowned turning quickly. "I'm wha'?" He said irritated.
I grabbed his hand shaking it even before he offered it. "That's not a bad thing, I swear. It's from a movie I know." I hurried to assure him. "I like that movie. I like you!" I looked at Kev. "And you, too. It's good."
Ellis grinned now. "I've no' really seen a movie," Ellis admitted.
I turned to Wayne. "They had a whole bunch available on the flight!"
Amasis shook his head getting closer to Wayne...a little protectively. "Remember my first flight?" He grinned. "It was about an hour before they relaxed and then not enough to concentrate on a movie plot."
Ellis thumbed at Amasis. "Is `e really a pharaoh?" He asked me in mocking confidence.
I nodded chuckling. "He was."
"Gaw. That's flaming ruddy donkey years!" Ellis said in awe slipping back into his comfortable world.
I did like him! "It is a long time." I said telling him I understood what he meant.
"So, wha' about that Eliza pony and trap?" Ellis asked.
I chuckled. Whether it was a test to see if I really understood him. "It's not crap." I waved a finger at him with a look that said I knew what he was doing. My reply was a bigger smile from Ellis. "Yes, I do know what pony and trap is. There is a whole scene where Professor Higgins was trying to teach Eliza to use her hah for the H sound. Kev just reminded me of that."
Ellis nodded. "Oh, I be' it was `orrible for `er, too." He looked at Kev. "Horrible for Her, too." He said exaggerating the H sounds again on purpose. "Is that better?"
Kev smiled squeezing Ellis' hand. "Much."
"You're a Yank!" Ellis said puzzled looking at me. "How do you know what I'm saying and others even in London who don't know what I'm saying?"
"Television," I said and saw a vague understanding. "The tele?"
Ellis nodded. "I knew what you meant, but...we really didn't get good reception below...so I didn't see much."
Colin said suddenly clapping once. "So, let's get you settled, and we'll take you to Vamps!"
"Vamps?" Kev repeated as his eyebrows rose.
George smiled. "It's a restaurant here. The name is a play on the word. Vamps as in vampires, yes, but the female on the sign..."
Kev nodded. "I understand now."
Taking them to George's and John's apartment, which in many ways was almost like Colin's and mine. It was simply the decor that was really different. Colin and I would have loved to have Kev and Ellis stay with us. We had the bedrooms even if Vlad and Gaius were still with us. George wanted Kev there with him...so, we took them to the apartment. It was much smaller than the house George owned, but about the same size as Colin's and mine. George and John had brought some of the paintings and sculptures from the house and had them arranged decoratively displayed. What I like was it didn't look like the house had. It was not a museum or gallery. It looked like men lived there. Not all the delicate things some would have. Big furniture, but plush and comfortable.
Opening the door, George waved them inside. Even Kev was a little awed by it. Evident from the jaw that sort of dropped open.
"My...word!" Kev said quietly.
Ellis nodded. "These blokes is minted!" He said louder than Kev had.
"I'm sorry?" George asked, not understanding.
I pulled George closer. "He means, you're rich, George," I whispered as I translated for him. I turned to Kev and Ellis. "George and John are rich." I looked at Kev. "You should see his house."
"His house, but not this one." Kev confirmed. "There's another other than this one!?" He asked astounded.
"Oh, yes." I nodded. "It's much bigger."
John shook his head. "Sure. You should see Colin's and Devon's house. That is a mansion."
"A mansion that's surrounded by other houses he owns on the estate," George added.
At Vamps, Colin explained how Holm's Laboratories were founded by the two of them and yes, they made a profit. "My main focus was to get back what I felt Bret Marshall had stolen from me. This VUN thing..." he shrugged, "just happened."
George nodded, "But it was Colin's determination to spread it out and to look for others like us." George defended. "However, it was Devon that came up with the name and..." he shrugged a little, "persuaded us to go global. His instinct was where to look and we have had success in every country we've been to."
"Simply amazing," Kev said. "And you are married." He said again, still surprised at that. "And you two are getting married. That just wasn't done in England until recently." Kev then asked how we each met and how we came to be here. We told him each history briefly.
"So, how did you and Ellis get together?" Colin asked and chuckled. "Please forgive me, but...you seem to have merged together so well but are from opposite worlds!"
Kev nodded chuckling. "Well, we were." He sighed sadly. "I was married. Mrs. Baxter died about five years into our marriage." He shook his head. "That marriage was pretty well planned before I even asked. She was a distant cousin."
Colin looked at me and groaned. "I know about that one." He said sourly. "Mine was, too."
Kev smiled. "I liked being a confirmed widower. There were those that wanted more from me, but I really didn't return the attention." He smiled. "At that time in England, a woman didn't just...do that. It wasn't proper. I was born to a family of means. We lived in the Chelsea area of London. The house I grew up in was destroyed like Ellis' home was during the war. Back then I bought a house not far from my family home." Now that he had blood circulating he began to pink up. "Ellis was..." he took Ellis' hand, "forgive me...I don't want to demean you, Ellis. You know how I feel about you." He looked at us. "He was in my employ. He could have left with his continued employment. He was a handyman, if you will."
Ellis smiled. "No shame `ere, Guvnor." He said softly to Kev. "I'm not ashamed of what `appened, but I approached you first."
"Yes, he did." Kev nodded. "Unfortunately, I was ashamed." He confessed, but he looked at Ellis. "He would do things around the house...fixed gutters, pipes, sweep the chimneys..."
I poked Colin in the side lightly. "See? I knew it." I whispered to Colin.
"...whatever needed to be done." Kev shrugged and then looked at Ellis in his eyes. "He is a beautiful human being, and then I realized he had an equally beautiful soul." He shrugged again. "I was lonely and the sort of...the relationship we developed just wasn't done."
"Because society said it was wrong." Colin nodded as Kev nodded.
"This was before you were bitten?" George asked.
"Yes," Kev admitted. "I couldn't help it. I was taught it was unnatural, but...not when we got together." He smiled at Ellis and then frowned again and sighed again at a memory. "I was attacked by that thing one night. It was only fortunate for me that Ellis was coming over and caught that...thing." He was surprised as tears, which he hadn't been able to shed in a century, came down his face which he wiped away with the edge of his cloth napkin. "I never wanted that for you, Ellis."
Ellis smiled and said quietly to Kev. No trace of his Cockney when he said. "I know that, Kev." He took Kev's hand but moved his head closer to Kev's so they had more contact. "I never blamed you." He looked up. "In the fight with that thing, I was bitten, too." He smiled. "We've been together ever since."
"That creature was killed by Ellis, but we were what we are. We stayed in the basement of my house for a while." Kev explained. "I couldn't see patients anymore. We had to move because of questions about us." He chuckled. "Ellis was the one to suggest we move to where the new Tubes were being dug out." He frowned at a memory. "He found an acceptable blood source." He confessed with distaste.
Colin smiled. "Rats?" He asked knowing how Willie and he felt about what they had done. Willie not nearly as much when he did but was not proud after he'd gone to the serum and the surgery that cleared his mind.
Kev was both surprised and embarrassed. "How did..." he thought and nodded. "You, too?"
Colin nodded. "We were underground, and what is more plentiful than they are? They are vermin, they have blood, and no one would be sorry some were killed." He shrugged. "I couldn't kill anyone."
"Yes. That's it." Kev nodded. "I was a doctor. I took an oath to do no harm." He shook his head. "What else could we do?"
"Yeh'," Ellis said nodded, his Cockney coming back. "We `ad some big buggers down there." He held his hands almost two feet apart which may or may not have been exaggerated on their size. "And there were so many of `em."
"But you survived." Wayne pointed out. "That is what's important."
"We are making a difference now," Amasis added. "We don't have to remain in the dark anymore."
Kev smiled as he looked at us. "So, every vampire is in a homosexual relationship because of the venom?"
Colin shook his head. "No." He chuckled. "My daughter is one and married a male vampire. Devon's mother became one and married a man that I considered my father who is a vampire."
George smiled at Kev. "What we are, is human." He shrugged. "We are social creatures. Companionship is very important. We don't reproduce. That need to procreate is gone, so is our desire for anyone for that sole reason. We are open to everyone."
"Yes, George." I agreed. "Really, though...I'm not as convinced we are homosexual or heterosexual...even as regular humans. Many..." I did finger quotes, "straight...men easily indulge in homosexual acts and do it well. Even enjoy it. They make excuses to explain it but can easily do it."
George nodded. "It's only the shame given by our religion and culture that makes us see it as sin and bad...or unnatural." He watched as Colin finished the last of his two steaks with a satisfied sigh. "Now that Colin is satisfied for the moment. Do you want to meet the vampires responsible for all this?"
Kev's eyes widened. "The one's respons..." he pointed at Amasis. "He's two thousand years old! There are vampires here older than him!?"
I nodded. "Much older."
"But they are unlike anything you dreamt of...even in nightmares," Colin said evenly and gave them a brief explanation as to what they would see. Kev and Ellis listened, but I knew they couldn't imagine the Old Ones.
The sun had set, and the boys would be up. We headed up to the floor that contained the three Old Ones.
"Wha' is it you do `ere?" Ellis asked me as we rode up the elevator.
I grinned. "Well, I...talk to people," I said simply.
Colin put his arm around me leaning in kissing the side of my head as we walked. "My husband's being modest. He's really the heart of all of us. He loves everyone and can talk to anyone." He grinned. "What's interesting, they love him back."
Ellis grinned. "I can see that. I feel very comfortable with `im," He shook his head. "So, I shouldn't feel special that 'e said `e likes me?"
I frowned at Colin. "Colin, I like Ellis a lot." I looked at Ellis. "I give everyone a fair chance. There are those that mean more to me, like George, John, Amasis, Wayne, and a few others. I know you and Kev will be right in those numbers!"
We took them to the room where the three were. Kev and Ellis were vampires, so not on the menu. The guard nodded to us telling us they had their blood and were fine. Going in both Kev and Ellis were not prepared for what they saw. Who would be? We'd told them, but no one would be prepared.
"They `ave their hampton wick, but no bottle and glass!" Ellis pointed to them slipping astonished into his Cockney Rhyming Slang.
I looked at Colin to translate who nodded holding up his hand to me. "I got it. They have dicks, but no ass. I'm good." He looked cocky for a second. "I can use the internet! I looked it up. I thought I should if Ellis was going to be here."
I grinned, bringing him in for a kiss. "I married a smart man."
I was being greeted by all three like usual, but they were a little subdued as they looked at the two additional people.
Iustina signed as he pointed to Kev and Ellis. "Who?" His translator's given voice asked.
"They are friends, Iustina." I answered and looked at Kev and Ellis. "They don't have the verbal abilities naturally," I explained the translators. I touched Repetate gently. "These are three of the creatures that made all the vampires today."
Kev looked at them closer. He was a vampire, but still, a doctor and a scientist first and that part of him was taking control right now. Ralph and Iustina backed away from him cautiously. "Intriguing!" Kev could read Iustina's, Repetate's, and Ralph's expressions. He held his hands up to them. "I mean you no harm." He said to them he shook his head. "They seem almost...tame!"
"They are...for us." Colin said, "But one sniff of blood and they are killers. They are predators. Deadly. It's what they do."
Kev nodded. "What you told me about them, George." He motioned toward their mouths. "The samples of venom they have is very concentrated. I saw that in those...files you sent."
George nodded. "It's the purest venom available."
Ellis sniffed deeply. "They smell...different."
I turned to Ellis. "Do they?" I looked back at Iustina who was still at my side but cowered a little still from these two new people. I patted Iustina gently to reassure him and put a supported arm around him and held him close protectively...for Iustina's comfort. "I sense they are vampires, but..."
Ellis shook his head. "No..." then he nodded. "I mean, yes they are, and I sense that, but they just smell different."
Kev came up next to Ellis. "He always had a keen sense of smell." He explained. "Since he was bitten it got even stronger to the point he can smell someone and determine how long ago he bathed!"
George looked at Kev. "He can?"
Kev nodded. "Almost down to the very hour."
"Sure," Ellis answered nodding. "I can smell how hard they worked, and the level of perspiration and I determine how long ago they bathed." He shrugged. "It just comes."
Kev touched Ellis' side proudly. "He can do more than that." He sighed again. "There was a darker period for me during that great war, I was tired of feeling this constant hunger and urge to feed on others and I..." he said reluctantly, "thought of going out in daylight and ending it. We got separated after a bomb caused a cave in and...the only way around was to go up in daylight...I disappeared for a few nights...walking among others like Ellis and me...hoping to confuse the trail, but he found me with little trouble."
Ellis shook his head in a grudging nod. "It wasn't hard." He tapped his nose. "I sor' of had `is scent in me fireman's hose. I never forge' it."
I looked at the others who were not looking as confused. Colin shook his head and waved at Ellis. "That one was obvious! His nose! Don't bother."
Ellis held his arms out to say he was helpless about it. "Everyone `as a smell! Even before I was bitten, I would come in a person's `ome and get a smell. I just didn't lose it." He waved at Kev. "Kev `as a smell." He waved at me. "You do." He waved at Colin, George, and the others. "All of you `ave a smell all your own. I just don't lose it." He thought. "I smelled some `ere I sensed weren't vampires, but they have a scent unlike anyone else. I wouldn't want to drink their blood even if I was a vampire. That was an added flavor to their blood." He turned to the Old Ones. His Cockney was gone as he said what was next. "These three...are very strong. I can't describe it. It's not unpleasant, but pungent." He looked at Wayne. "I smell them on you more than with any of these others. You were bitten by one of these, weren't you?" He walked near the three and sniffed lightly and looked at Ralph. "This one!"
All of us were surprised at this. Wayne nodded. "Yes, I was."
"You can smell that!?" George asked Ellis. "They didn't tell you?"
Ellis shook his head. "They didn't have to." He looked at Ralph and sniffed again. "It was several decades ago, but yes...the smell I get from Wayne," he waved at Ralph, "I get from him."
Colin looked at me. "I doubt even Gabriella can do that!"
Ellis bounced slightly. "Yeh, it's a gift." He said simply.
Colin grinned. "He is going to be a huge help!" He looked quickly at Kev. "You will too, with George, but you..." he walked to Ellis, "will be a great, great help!"